Do you?

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Finns pov

"Okay, Noah, truth or dare." Maddie said, and looked at Grace. Why would she look at Grace?

"Truth." He said, and she smiled.

" you like anyone? If so who?" She said, and all the girls smiled, and I saw Grace giving them glares. Wait, does Grace like Noah?

"I'm changing it to dare." He said, and some people laughed.

"Okay I dare you to answer the question." Maddie said, and he looked nervous.

"Well yeah I like someone, but I'm not telling you guys who." He said, and then the guys laughed. I laughed a little too, and looked to my left. It was Millie, and she was smiling. I love her smile.

"Okay My turn, Gaten, truth or dare." Sadie said, and Gaten smiled.

"Dare. I'm not a chicken." He said, and I smiled. Gaten is a goofball.

"Okay. I dare you to kiss the person to your right." Sadie said, and Gaten looked to his right. It was Millie.

"Well, I can't back out of a dare." He said, and Millie laughed. Gaten leaned in and kissed Millie, and Millie kissed him back. For some really odd reason, I kinda got mad. They broke apart and then Gaten looked at me, and smiled.

"Sorry for kissing your girl, Finn. But a dare's a dare." He said, and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"She's not my girl." I said, and everyone laughed. But Millie didn't.

"Why is everyone laughing?" I heard Millie asked

"Come on. We all know that you guys are a thing." I heard Sadie say, and my eyes widened. Millie and I aren't a thing!!! We made out three times because we were drunk, and I kissed her that one time, but that doesn't mean we are a thing.

"We're not a thing." She said, and I nodded.

"Maybe not right now, but I bet by tonight we can get you guys to be one." Haley said, and I raised my eyebrows.

"You can try." I said, and they smiled.


"Millie, truth or dare?" Haley said.

"Truth." She said, and everyone groaned.

"Millie, you've picked truth every round." Sadie said.

"Fine, dare." She said.

"Fine," Haley said, and looked at everyone else, and they nodded. Don't Haley, don't.

"We dare you to go into the closet with Finn, for seven minutes." Haley said, and Millie sighed and got up. I got up too, and Haley followed us.

"You guys can work out your feelings for each other in there. And when you come out, you better be-

I shut the door before she could respond, and I heard her footsteps walk back to the living room. There wasn't a light in the closet, but I could still see Millie's face pretty good. I was leaning against the door, and she was standing in front of me, but not that close. I think I'm gonna do it.

Millie's pov

Of course they made me go in the closet with Finn. Fucking fuck, what are we supposed to do?

"Why does everyone insist that we have to be a thing?" I asked him, and he shrugged his shoulders. Typical.

"But do you think we should be a thing?" He asked me, and I felt something in my stomach. Butterflies?

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