Thinking about it

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Millie's pov

It's Monday already, the first day back from break. My mom and I spent the rest of the weekend with each other, so I didn't see my other friends. I really don't want attention pulled to myself either, I just really hope people will shut up about it. I look in the mirror and put on a black long sleeve, and some dark ripped jeans. I put on some cute uggs, and then brushed my hair out, just leaving it the way it is. I grabbed my phone, headphones, and charger, and walked downstairs.

Sadie was waiting for me, so I grabbed my book bag and walked with her over to Haley's house. Haley was walking out her door, and I saw Finn getting into his car. He's driving us. I haven't talked to Finn since that night we called over the phone, so I don't know, is it gonna be awkward? Is it gonna be good? I don't know. I walked over and met his gaze, and he winked at me before getting in the car. I looked down, and I got in the car, with Sadie in the back. Haley sat in the front.

"Isn't it nice that we're all friends guys!!" Haley yelled, which made me flinch a little.

"Haley nobody cares." Finn said, and I laughed a little, but quiet.

"I do!! All your friends are friends with my friends!!" She said, and I looked over to Sadie, and she was laughing. This is gonna be a long day.


I get to language, and I'm already getting a lot of stares. They start to die down towards the end of class, and then I make my way to math, and sit down at my group, which is Noah, Maddie, and Finn. I sat down and Finn didn't look at me when I sat down across from him. I don't expect him to, since Iris posted that thing about us making out, to get over my dads death. Maddie sits down and then starts talking to me.

"Hey Millie!! How's the first day back??!" She asked me, sounding happy.

"Not that great, people are just giving me stares and it's making me mad, like right now." That's when I saw Finn look up out of the corner of my eye. Him and Maddie were looking around, and everyone stopped looking at me when they made eye contact with them.

"They are just nosy. Mines going great! Guess who asked me out to a movie? You won't believe who." She said, smiling.

"Who?" I asked her, and she smiled.

"Gaten!" She said, and I smiled.

"That's great! Do you like him?" I ask her.

"Well, Yeah. I think he likes me too." Maddie said.

"He does." I heard Finn say, and look up at us.

"I shouldn't be talking about this in front of his friends, change of topic." She said, and I laughed.

I kept meeting Finns glance all period, and then I would immediately look away. I don't know what to say.

The bell rang, and Maddie and I walked down the hallway, she went in a different direction because her class isn't with mine next, and then I felt someone at my side.

"Hey Millie." Finn said, and we continued to walk.

"Shouldn't we not be seen together, considering what Iris said?" I asked him, looking around.

"You're right." He said, and then I felt him grab my hand and pull me into the closet to the wall next to him. He shuts the door, and turns on the light.

"We're gonna be late to class." I said, and he shrugged.

"I have a idea, about our liking situation and your Haley situation." He said, and I nodded.

"What if we just like each other, but not tell anyone? Like a secret relationship?" He said, and I smiled.

"You're still thinking about this?" I asked him, and he smiled.

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