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Finns pov

"Where the hell is she!!" I yelled, looking around.

"I can't see her!!" Sadie yelled.

The wave took Millie under, and I haven't seen her. It's been at least two minutes.

There's no lifeguard here, and nobody else is here either. It's just us. Sadie's sister is inside.

I swam deeper, to where she got taken under, and tried to look through the water. I thought I saw a body, so I took a breath and went under, it took me a while to reach the bottom.

I moved my hands around, and felt a hand. I immediately grabbed the body bridal style and swam back up as fast as I could, and I made it to the top.

Everyone saw me, and they helped me get her to the shore. I laid her down on her back, and she wasn't breathing. Her lips were very pale, and so was her face.

I'm certified for CPR. I can do this.

I pushed down on her chest, doing the CPR ritual, as everyone around me watched, horrified. One of my tears fell next to her, and I placed my lips against hers, blowing air into her.

I repeated it a couple times, and then she started to cough, and she rolled over, water coming out of her mouth.

I took a breath of relief, like everyone else did. Sadie got up and grabbed a towel for her, and Millie sat up. Sadie got back and wrapped the towel around her, and she was breathing heavily.

She looked at me, her eyes wide.

"Millie, please be careful next time, we are lucky that we found you." I said, and she hugged me.

"Trust me, there won't be a next time." She said, and we all laughed a little. She pulled out of the hug, and he lips were still really pale, same with her face.

"I can take you back inside." I said, and she nodded, and I stood her up, and everyone else stood up.

"You guys can stay out here, if you want. There's really nothing else to do inside." I said, and they nodded.


Millie showered and changed into one of my sweatshirts and shorts, but you couldn't even see the shorts because my sweatshirt was so long on her. I showered too, but in Sadie's bathroom.

We were currently in the living room, and I had a blanket around her, and she was leaning her head on my shoulder. We were watching a movie that showed up on Netflix.

"Are you feeling better?" I asked her.

"Yeah, just cold." She said.

When I went down to grab her from the bottom  of where she went in the water, it was freezing. I thought I was just gonna get hypothermia from being there for a couple seconds.

She was there for over two minutes.

I felt her hand touch mine, and she slowly laced them together.

"Finn, I need to tell you something." She said, facing me. I faced her.


"What do you need to tell me?" I asked her.

"I don't really know how to say it." She said looking down, trying to think.

"Hey, you can tell me anything." I said, and she looked at me, and nodded. I saw that her lips were turning back to color.

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