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Millie's pov

I woke up to silence. Finn still had his head against my chest, sleeping peacefully.

I looked at the clock, and I saw that the time was 9:30. Great, I got only two hours of sleep, and Finn only got 3. I'm gonna let him sleep more.

I slowly and gently moved Finn out of my arms, and he shifted a little, but still sleeping. I got off the bed and put my glasses on, walking downstairs.

Everyone was already down there, talking. They saw me, and all looked at me.

"What's wrong with Finn Mills?" Haley asked me, and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Wouldn't you know?" I asked, and she shook her head.

"His dog got hit by a car, it died yesterday." I said, and they all were shocked.

"I didn't have my phone on me yesterday. Oh my god, Finn loved Rosie." Haley said, and I nodded.

"Are you okay?" I asked her.

"Yeah, I wasn't really close with Rosie, she didn't like me that much either. She loved Finn." She said, and I nodded.

"He didn't tell me till last night. He didn't stop crying till 6:00 in the morning." I said, and their jaws dropped.

"Oh my god." They said, and I nodded.

"He only got three hours of sleep, that's why I'm letting him sleep now. I got two." I said, and they raised their eyebrows.

"Millie, you can go back to sleep." Sadie said, and I shook my head.

"No, I can't. It's already day, and I can't fall asleep during the day." I said, lying.

I'm not gonna tell them the reason I can't go to sleep is because every time I try to, all I can hear in my head his Finns loud sobs and his voice racking and choking up talking about Rosie last night while he was crying at the same time. It broke my heart.

We ate, then chilled in the living room, watching Greys Anatomy.


It was almost 12:30, and I decided to go up to check on Finn.

I opened the door to see that he was still sleeping, and I closed the door behind me. I walked to the bed, and got on my knees, looking at him. You could tell that his cheeks were red, his eyes were baggy.

I put my hand on his shoulder, and traced my thumb on it.

"Finn." I whispered, and he shifted a little.

"Hm." He said, and I blinked.

"It's 12:30. Do you wanna go downstairs and eat something?" I asked him, and he shifted from his side onto his back, taking a deep breath in, and stretching.

"Yeah." He said, getting up. He went into the bathroom first to clean himself up.

He walked out, and he looked better than before. He grabbed my hand and we walked downstairs to the kitchen. He got something to eat, and I walked into the living room, everyone's stare on me.

"I don't think he knows you guys know, except for Haley. So just don't say anything about it. He seems okay right now." I said, and they nodded.

He walked into the living room, and sat down on a couch, and I sat next to him, and he put an arm around me. I looked over to Maddie and Gaten, and they were both sitting on the two person couch, and they were talking, and Maddie was smiling.

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