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Millie's pov

It's Wednesday, halfway through the first week of school back from break. I just want it to be over already. The only good part about school is kissing Finn in the storage closet. I put on some ripped jeans and a white long sleeve, and I walk out the door. I unlock my car, but I hear Haley.

"Do you want us to give you a ride so you don't have to drive?!!" Haley yelled, and I saw Finn come out the front door. I nodded and walked over there, and got into the back of his car. He made eye contact with me through the small mirror, and winked at me. I smiled and looked out the window till we got to school. I got out of the car, and Haley ran up to the school. I shut the car door, and Finn was standing next to me.

"Good morning beautiful, nice to see you here." He said, and I laughed. He leaned down to kiss me, but on instinct I slapped his face away. He stumbled back, and I gasped.

"Oh my gosh Finn I'm so sorry it was just instinct I'm sorry-

"It's fine Millie, I forgot." He said and laughed, and I smiled.

"I still feel bad." I said as we walked up to the school.

"Then I guess you'll just have to kiss me later to make up for it." He said and shrugged, and I laughed. Then, a sprinting Noah came up to us.

"Guys, I need your help. It's Ashley." He said, and Finn widened his eyes.

"Not Ashley." He said.

"Who's Ashley?" I asked.

"The girl that's obsessed with me, and won't stop following me and trying to date me. You guys need to help me!!" He said, and Ashley walked up to us.

"Noah!! I've been trying to get to you forever. So have you thought about my question? If you wanted to date?" She asked, and I laughed a little on the inside.

"Um, actually..." he said, but I cut him off.

"He likes someone else." I said, trying to get Grace in this.

"Who?" She said, and he looked at me.

"Well, it's Millie. Were dating, so it's obviously her." Noah said.

"What?" Finn said, and Noah turned to him, and I looked confused.

"Yeah. Right Millie?" Noah said, and I looked over to him.

"Right!" I said, and Ashley crossed her arms.

"I've never seen you two together. I thought you and Finn were dating, Millie." She said, and I looked to Finn.

"Who would of told you that? It's not true." Finn said, and she shrugged.

"Well, I don't believe you guys are dating." She said, and I rolled my eyes. Noah turned to me, and I grabbed his face with my hands and placed my lips on his, and I felt his hands go to my waist. I let the kiss last for a few seconds, and then pulled away.

"Believe us now?" I asked, and Noah looked at me, like I was a god.

"I'm not sure. I'll be watching, Noah!!" She said, and ran away. By the way, she's crazy.

"Um-t-Thank you Millie." He said, and I nodded.

"Your welcome." I said, and he said bye and left, and went into the school, leaving Finn and I.

"Wow Millie, I'm extremely jealous right now." Finn said, and I looked up to him.

"It's fake." I said, and he nodded.

"First you slapped me in the face, and then you kissed another guy. You have a lot to make up
for." He said and winked, and I hit his arm.

"Shut up Finn." I said, and he laughed as we walked inside. He walked with me to my locker, and I opened it, grabbing some books to put into my bag.

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