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Okay this chapter is actually really cute

Finns pov

Sunday night, at the airport

"So, do you guys have everything?" Sadie asked again.

"Yes Sadie, lets get on the plane already!!!" Gaten said, and everyone agreed. I walked over to the sitting area for our plane and put a headphone in one ear, and went on my phone, listening to music. I looked over across from me, and Maddie and Millie were in a detailed conversation. Noah and Lucas were talking about fortnite, and Gaten was talking to Sadie and getting the tickets, passing them to all of us. Haley was sitting next to me.

"Flight 353 now boarding. Flight 353, now boarding." We all heard over the speaker. I got up and we got in the line, and I handed my ticket to the lady, and walked into the hallway, onto the plane. We were the first ones on the plane, so I could sit anywhere.

I picked the middle of the plane, the right side. I put my carryon on the top storage place, and I sat down in the window seat. I put my headphones in and was checking my phone a bit, before I lose all service. I didn't look up until I saw Millie sit down next to me. I took my headphones out, and she smiled at me.

"I thought you were going to sit next to your friends?" I asked her, and she smiled.

"You are my friend. And you're my boyfriend. So I'm gonna sit next to you." She said, and I smiled, and she intertwined our fingers together. We saw Gaten sit in front of us, then turned to face up.

"What's up lovebirds?" Gaten asked, and I rolled my eyes. Of course we got stuck with him in front of us.

"Hey, Gaten." Millie said, smiling. I looked at her. She looked tired.

Well, duh. It's 4:30 in the morning.

I looked across from us, and Sadie and Caleb were sitting there, and Sadie's sister was in front of them, across from Gaten. Sadie had her head on Caleb's shoulder, and she was holding his hand.

Millie and I haven't really said anything about the incident on Friday. What am I even supposed to say about that?

Like, oh hey Millie! You know you made me horny by grinding against me, please don't use that to your advantage next time because you know what will happen, and I get embarrassed! Thanks!

No. That's not how it goes. She already knows all that stuff.

I can't even tell if she is, it's not fair. Well, unless she wants to like, you know. But we haven't gotten that far.

"What are you thinking about?" Millie asked me, and I looked over to her.

"You." I said, and she smiled, and she looked away, I saw a tint of red on her cheeks.

The plane took off, and soon enough, it was in the air.


I looked around, and the plane was silent, besides the constant noise of it flying. All the lights were dimmed, and Millie's head was on my shoulder, she was sleeping. I was looking out the window, to the lights in the cities we were passing. It was peaceful.

I looked in the little space of seats in front of us to see Gaten on his phone, looking at a bunch of pictures of who knows what. Looks like a cat.

I felt my hand get squeezed a tiny bit, and I looked down to Millie and I's laced fingers, resting on my lap.

Millie and I haven't seen each other since Friday either. She's been packing and she spent the night at Sadie's one night. It's probably not awkward between us, but I mean, come on. She grinded on me.

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