My poor heart aches

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Millie's pov

It was Sunday, and everyone was going over to Haley's to hang out.

Well, not everyone. Just Haley, Sadie, Gaten, Finn and I.

We were going to go downtown and get ice cream from the shop that just opened.

Haley, Sadie and I were talking in her room, and the guys were already downstairs I'm pretty sure.

Haley was talking about something we did a couple years ago that was funny, and we were all laughing about it.

We got downstairs, and I turned around to walk backwards to finish the conversation, but after a couple steps I tripped on my own foot, and I fell.

I was about to fall on the ground, but my back collided with someone's chest, and their hands went secure on my waist.

I gasped, and I heard the person behind me gasp too.

"Millie," Finn said, as all I could focus on is that I'm touching him.

Romeo touched my waist. I felt Romeos chest on my back. It was just a dream millie, why are you taking it so serious?? It felt so real!! I can't touch a guy. It's unnatural now. I feel Romeo every time it happens.

I felt Finns hands immediately leave my waist, and he backed up. I turned around to face him, and he looked scared.

"Thanks for not..letting me fall." I said, and he nodded.


"I need a second." I said, cutting Sadie off by walking away, into the bathroom.

Finns pov

I was watching Millie talk to the girls, and she seemed happy.

I love when she's happy.

She was walking backwards, and tripped on her own foot, falling into my chest.

I stopped her from falling by securing my hands on her waist, and her back hit my chest.

It gave my heart a jump.

I miss holding her.

I still remember when we weren't a thing, and she was cold, so she laid down next to me, and put her back against my chest when we slept, when her parents got in the car accident.

I felt like I was protecting her.

I can't do that anymore. Not until she's okay. But it never looks like she's going to be okay.

She gasped, and I gasped.

"Millie," I started, but she froze for a second, and then she backed out of my arms, the warmth and love leaving with her.


"I need a second," She said, cutting off Sadie. She walked into the bathroom and shut the door. They all looked at me, and I shrugged my shoulders.

"Finn, you need to do something." Haley said, and I snapped at her.

"Do something?? What the hell am I supposed to do?? I can't hold her hand, I can't hug her, I can't even touch her to comfort her!! How the hell am I supposed to do anything about this!! I'm trying to do it in words, but it doesn't work. She couldn't even link arms with me last night without having a panic attack. You girls need to talk to her. I can't do anything about this. I wish I could, but I can't. And I'm not going to push her into doing something she doesn't want to, I don't want her to have a panic attack or anything. So don't yell at me for not doing something, when I physically can't." I said, walking into the kitchen, leaving them with shocked looks on their faces.

Millie's pov

Finns right.

I heard him yelling at everyone, and he's right.

He can't help me with this.

I don't know what to do.

I try to control my breathing, and I finally do, and I hold back the tears threatening to come out of my eyes. I take a deep breath in, and breathe.

I had my eyes closed when I heard a quiet knock on the door.

"Mills?" I heard Finn quietly say.

"They're waiting for us in the car, whenever you're ready." He said, softly and quietly.

I turn around and unlock the door, and opening it, seeing Finn leaning against the doorway with his eyes closed. He opened them, then looked at me.

"Are you okay?" He asked me, and I nodded.

"I'm fine. Sorry about all that." I said, and he furrowed his eyebrows together.

"Don't be sorry, there's nothing to be sorry for." I said and I nodded.

"It's just-it's scary sometimes." I said, and he nodded.


We got ice cream and we were all in the car, screaming the lyrics to the song on, God's Plan by Drake, and we were having fun. I loved it.

Haley was driving, Gaten was in passenger, Sadie was on the window, I was in the middle, Finn was on the other window.

"Hey, are you okay?? Feeling any better?" Sadie asked me, and I shook my head no.

"It might take a while. I just hope you get over it soon." She said, and I nodded and smiled.

"Me too." I said, and we all continued to sing.


"You don't dance." I said to Finn, as I was sitting on his bed with him.

"Yeah I do." He said, sitting up from laying down.

"Well how come I've never seen you then?" I asked him, and smiled.

"You can see me now." He said, and I smiled.

He turned on his speaker and turned on the song, Every Breath you Take.

"Would you be okay dancing with me?" He asked, and I looked down.

"I don't know. It's just- I get scared. Like it's actually Romeo. When a guy touches me, I just think it's Romeo, and the feeling never goes away." I said, and we both looked down.

"Let's try something. Come over here." Finn said, and I stood up.

Oh can't you see,

"Look in my eyes the whole time, and don't look away." He said, and I nodded. Our eye contact didn't move, as I felt him gently hold both of my hands.

You belong to me,

"Are you okay?" He asked me and I smiled and nodded.

"Okay, don't look away." He said, and I nodded. I felt him put my hands on the back of his neck, and I felt hands around my waist.  My eyes widened and my mouth opened to gasp, but Finn cut it off.

"Don't pay attention to it. Just look in my eyes. Do you trust me?" He asked me, and I nodded. I felt his hands tighten a little around my waist, and I did the same thing with my hands around his neck.

And my poor heart aches,

We started swaying side to side, and I smiled, and he smiled too, never looking away from his chocolate brown eyes.

Every step you take.

End of chapter. Oops. I'm killing myself with these Mileven depression references, someone needs to stop me

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