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Millie's pov

The weekend went by fast, and school came. I drove myself today, since I got my car back. I walked into school and saw Haley there, but she was with Jacob. I walked to my locker instead, and then went to language. Sadie and Caleb are in my language class, so I get in there, and she's sitting with Caleb today. I went and sat down at my desk, and someone comes and sits next to me.

"Sorry, is this taken?" The girl said, and I shook my head and smiled.

"My names Grace. I'm a friend of Maddie's, she told me to tell you that." She said.

"Hey Grace." I said. We started to talk, and I have a feeling that we are gonna become good friends. The bell finally rang, and I walked out and went to homeroom, then math, where Maddie was. I walked in, and she made new groups. I was in a group with Maddie, Noah, and Finn. What a great fucking group. I sat down, and I realized Maddie sat to my left, and Finn sat across from me, and Noah sat across from Maddie. Maddie turned to me and started talking, and then after a few minutes, the teacher started to talk. Another boring lesson.


I made my way to biology, and sat down by Finn. He still doesn't make an effort to talk to me, and I don't even bother talking to him either. I saw Haley walk over and sit down in the chair in front of mine and turned around to us.

"Millie, it feels like we haven't talked in forever. I'm sorry for hanging out with Jacob so much. Would you want to hang out over the weekend?" Haley said, and I smiled.

"Yeah, of course. I miss hanging out with you." I said.

"Same." She said. The teacher walked in, so she went back to where she was sitting, and for the first time in weeks, Finn said something to me.

"Jacob has been over every fucking day, and I'm about to lose it." Finn said, and then there was silence. Then, I started laughing really hard.

"I'm sorry-I can't-" I got cut off by my own laughter.

"Millie, it's not funny, you need to start hanging out with her again. Jacob is such a fuckboy it's not even funny, she doesn't see it." He said, and my laughter stopped.

"More of a fuckboy than you are? I can't imagine it." I said, and he glared at me, and I laughed again.


"Finn told me that Jacob has been over every day since you started dating." I told Haley as we were at lunch, Maddie and Grace joined our table.

"Yeah. Wait, Finn talked to you? He hasn't talked to you in forever." Haley said.

"I know, it was weird." I said, and took a bite of the food I was eating.


I was in study hall, when I got up to go to my locker. I went, and then I turned around and saw Romeo standing there. He shut my locker, and that basically made me go up against the locker.

"Millie, why couldn't you just like me?" He asked me, looking down at me.

"Because, I don't want to date a fuckboy." I said, and he grabbed my wrist, tight.

"I told you, it's just gonna have to go the hard way then." He whispered in my ear, and I felt tears coming. I realized my locker was right by his history class, hopefully Finn doesn't see this. I looked into romeos eyes and all I saw was evil. He leaned in and kissed me, but I couldn't pull away. He pulled away, and I felt more tears coming, trying to hold back.

"Maybe you can come over to my house tonight.." he said, and started to trail his fingers from my neck all the way down to my waist.

"I said no." I said, and looked down. I felt his hand go around my back, and I got out of his grasp.

"Fine then, hopefully I'll see you later." He said, and walked back into the history classroom, and I ran into the bathroom. Thank god nobody was in there. I sat on the ground and brought my knees up to my chest, and put my head down and cried. I cried a lot. I wasted 6 years of my fucking life liking someone who isn't worth it, and is just in it for their bodies. I hate everything. I cried even more, and I heard footsteps come into the bathroom, and I just shut my eyes. The footsteps got closer to me, and I let my knees go back down, not by my chest anymore, and I started to hug the person that was hugging me. They were stroking their hand through my hair, sitting next to me. I haven't opened my eyes yet, and I'm scared to find out who it is. I honestly didn't fucking care at this point, and cried even more. When I put my hands around them, it seemed like a guys body, because our chests were touching and I didn't feel breasts against my own. I felt their hair touch my ear, so it's long but not that long. He smelled like cologne, really good smelling cologne. He was still playing with my hair, hugging me, when I opened my eyes. Holy fuck, it was Finn. Of course it was Finn. God dammit. Why does he smell so good? Why are his hands so soft? I start to stop crying, and I let go of the hug. He was sitting down across from me, and had concern in his eyes.

"Are you-

"I'm fine, Finn." I said, wiping some tears off of my face.

"Doesn't look like you are." He said, and I raised my eyebrows at him. He was pretty close to my face. All of a sudden, there was this....electricity filled in the room. Like in the moment, I wanted to kiss Finn. I still do, I still have the feeling. His freckles standing out all around his face, his hair covering his forehead, his eyes showing worry, his lips...he's so perfect. I started to lean in, and I saw Finn leaning in too. I felt him set his hand on my leg, and we were about to place our lips on each other's,  but we heard a bag drop. We quickly leaned back and away from each other.

"WHAT IN THE HOLY FUCK DID I JUST WITNESS" Haley said. Of course, it was Haley. Finn got up, and I got up too, and grabbed my bag.

"You witnessed absolutely nothing." Finn said, and walked out of the bathroom.

"Millie, you were going to kiss him!! Why were you crying? Your face is all red." She said.

"Romeo. And no, I wasn't gonna kiss him." I said, fixing my hair in the mirror.

"Peoples faces don't get that close unless they are gonna kiss, and he had his hand on your leg!! I almost fainted with Fillieness. Wait, you guys would of kissed if I didn't drop my bag, god dammit!!" Haley rambled.

"Haley, it's nothing." I said, and put water on my face. I wiped it off, and then walked out of the bathroom, leaving Haley dumbfounded.

Lololol your welcome

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