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Millie's pov

"Oh look who it is, Millie Brown with another guy, why doesn't this surprise me?" I heard Iris say from behind me.

"Iris, what do you want?" I said to her, not looking back.

"Nothing, just checking in on you, slut." She said, and I saw Finns hands turn into fists. This is when I stood up and faced her, and her two friends behind her. She was holding a Starbucks coffee, with no lid on it.

"I'm not a slut." I said, and she laughed.

"Looks like it, since your done with Finn you decided to break his heart and move onto Noah." She said, and I rolled my eyes.

"I was never even with Finn, so chill the fuck out." I said, and she raised her eyebrows.

"I think you're too chilled out. Here, I hope this will heat you up." She said, and before I knew it, she dumped her coffee all over me, mostly my plain white shirt, and my head.

"You bitch!!" I said, and was about to throw some hands, but Finn grabbed my arms. She laughed and walked away, and Finn pulled me out of the cafeteria and then I walked into the bathroom, him following me. I looked into the mirror, and saw the coffee stains she left all over my shirt. Plain white shirt, ruined!! And it's in my hair, too. I looked over to see Finn taking his sweatshirt off, and I furrowed my eyebrows. (Ooo Finn getting right into it okay I'll stop now okay sorry bye)

He had a black shirt under it thankfully, and then handed the sweatshirt to me.

"Finn, people are gonna-

"Do you want to be soaked in coffee the rest of the day? I don't think so." He said and made me take it from him, and I went into one of the stalls and changed. I took of my white shirt and then put his hoodie over my small body. I walked out and threw my white shirt away, no way those stains are gonna come out. He turned to me and smiled, a soft smile.

"You look cute." He said, and I rolled my eyes and looked at my hair in the mirror. I grabbed some paper towels and got them wet, and tried to get the coffee out of my hair. Eventually it came out, but my hair was just kinda wet now.

"Really cute." Finn said as he came in view of the mirror I was standing in.

"I'm not cute." I said.

"You're right, you're not cute. You're beautiful." He said, and I felt myself blush. He set his hands on my waist, and my stomach jumped, like it was the first time he's done it. He spun me around to face him, and placed his hands on my hips again.

"I really want to kiss you right now." He said, and I smiled.

"I wanna kiss you too." I said, and he smiled too. I put my hands around his neck and leaned up, then kissed him. His warm and soft lips returning to mine, like heaven. He pulled me more against him, and I breathed in through my nose, not wanting to break the kiss I've been wanting since this morning. Then, I heard footsteps walk into the bathroom. Oh no.

"I knew it, I knew it." Maddie said, and Finn and I jumped back.

"No it's not what it looks like we were-

"Cut the crap, Finn, I knew long before." Maddie said, and Finn looked at me. I nodded that it was okay if she knew, and he looked back at her.

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