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Millie's pov

It's been a few weeks since we all went as a group to the movies, and it's been going good. Sadie and Caleb are officially a couple, and Haley got together with Jacob. Since they got together, we never really hang out anymore. They both have guys, and I feel like we are drifting apart. All they do is hang out with their boyfriends, especially Haley. I haven't been over to her house since the day we went to the movies. My mom and Dad are starting to argue again, it gets worse every argument. My bruise faded away, thankfully, so I stopped wearing so much makeup. I feel like a loner. My friends aren't really talking to me anymore, it's getting sad. Finn hasn't spoken to me since the day we went to the movies either, which I don't really mind. I occasionally make eye contact with him from across our houses, through the window, but that's it. Romeo keeps texting me, I don't respond. It's Friday, and I have no plans. None. I decide to text my other friend, Maddie. We haven't talked in a while, but I miss her.

Millie- Hey maddie, we haven't talked in a while, I miss you. Do you wanna hang out?

I sent it, knowing she's not gonna reply, but she did.

Maddie- Hey Mills!! I miss you too, ever since I went to Florida with my family it feels like we haven't talked. Yeah, let's hang out!!

Millie- Want to sleep over at my house tonight?

Maddie- Sure!! What time should I come over?

Millie- You can come around 5:30.

Maddie- Great, see you in an hour!!

I smile, then shut my phone off. I clean my room up a bit, then go downstairs, and thankfully, my dad isn't home.

"Mom, is it okay if Maddie spends the night? We haven't seen each other in forever." I said

"Sure honey, just keep it down." She said, and I thanked her and ran back upstairs. I have an hour. I looked out my window, and saw someone get out of a car in Haley's driveway. It was Jacob. I shouldn't be surprised though. I'm happy for them, it's just, I think they spend too much time together. I look over to Finns window, and he's playing his guitar, then looks up to me. I get up and leave the window, sitting on my bed.


"Maddie!!!" I hug her, and she hugs me back.

"I missed you!!!" She said.

"I missed you too!!" I said, and we laughed and went upstairs into my room. She sat down on my vanity chair, and I sat on the end of my bed. We were talking and catching up, when we heard noise from the house next to mine. We looked over, and it was Finn, playing his guitar.

"Oh my god, is that Finn Wolfhard?" Maddie asked me.

"Yeah, why?" I asked her.

"He's like, one of the most popular guys in school!!" She said. And I said something after just to make myself laugh.

"I slept with him in his bed once." I said, and she gasped.

"WHAT!!!" She said, and I laughed.

"Yeah, it was actually just a few weeks ago." I said, and she looked really shocked.

"Damn Millie, going for Finn?" She asked me.

"No, it's not like that." I said, and she raised her eyebrows.


It was about 1 am, and we were still just talking.

"Okay, I'm gonna go to bed now." I said, and she agreed. We got in bed and went to sleep.


"Ugh, it's Sunday already." I said, sitting down at the kitchen table, as Maddie was getting cereal, and I already had some.

"I know, I don't wanna go back to school. At least we have math together." She said, and I nodded. We ate, then we went back up to my room, and went on our phones for a little bit. I saw that Haley posted a new post, and it was of her and Jacob. I liked it, obviously.


After a few hours, Maddie left. It was about 6:00 now. I went to go eat dinner with my mom and Dad, and it was silent.

"Millie, we are sorry that we are arguing a lot. It's about stupid reasons. We don't wanna argue in front of you, or at all. So were sorry." My Dad said.

"Uh- It's Okay." I said, making it even more awkward. I love them both, but I love my mom more. My dad gets out of control sometimes. After dinner, I went upstairs, and showered. I changed into short-shorts and a T-shirt. I opened my phone, and saw I had a lot of messages from Romeo. I decided to call him, to get it over with.

"Millie, you finally picked up." He said.

"What do you want to talk about, Romeo." I said, kind of annoyed.

"Millie, I still like you. We were both drunk at the party, I didn't know what I was doing. Please, give me a second chance?" He said.

"Sadie told me what you tried to do with her. I don't want to do that, I don't want any part in that. So no." I said.

"Fine. But you better watch out, now we are gonna have to do this the hard way." He said, and I ended it. What the fuck does he mean?? The hard way?? I just got under the blankets and went to bed, forgetting the call.

Sorry this chapter was so short, I didn't know what to write about.

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