Ilhoon has always been a troublemaker, whether it's annoying his older sister, Hyuna, or talking back to the teacher or bullying a boy younger than him. On the other hand, Wendy refrains from trouble.
Hyuna never liked her brother's behavior and the final straw was when he ran way from home due to his lack of effort to maintain his grades.
Now, Hyuna wants him to get his act together and she'll make him do so by confronting the school's sweetheart, Wendy.
Because Ilhoon ran away from home, Hyuna couldn't scold him right then and there, so she waited for him at school.
And once she saw him, she went in for the kill. She dashed towards him and screamed, "You punk!" Obviously Ilhoon tried to run away but Hyuna sped up. When she caught up to him, she grabbed him by the ear and dragged him to the quad. Her eyes searched for Wendy and it was easy to spot her blonde hair. She pulled Ilhoon by the ear while he shouted in pain, all the way to Wendy's table.
"Hey Wendy! Do you mind knocking some sense into my unfortunate younger brother's brain by teaching how to act like a decent human being?"
"No, Hyuna, I don't mind. Please don't call him unfortunate and I do believe he is a decent human being. Also, I think you should let go of his ear now. It's turning red and so is his face. He is hurt."
"What she said!" he exclaimed.
"You really are an angel," Hyuna stated in awe as she released Ilhoon's ear.
"Thank you very much."
"No problem. Thank you for accepting my request." Hyuna walked away leaving Ilhoon with Wendy.
"I think it'll be fun to help him out," Wendy replied as she smiled.
Ilhoon realized how beautiful her smile was.
"I'm Ilhoon, by the way," he said as he ran his hand through his hair.
"So I've heard. You're notorious for trouble. Hi, I'm Wendy. Nice to meet you," Wendy responded as she stuck her hand out.
Ilhoon grabbed it and kissed it.
"The pleasure's all mine," he said as he smirked.
Wendy's cheeks noticeably turned a brighter shade of pink.
His smirk grew after seeing that cute action.
"So what have you heard about me?"
"A lot of rumors. You punched a younger boy so hard that he had to go to the hospital. You dated several girls only to cheat on them. I heard you even drove a teacher crazy!"
"Those are blown way out of proportion. Extremely exaggerated."
"But they are derived from some truth, right?"
He shamefully said, "Yeah."
"I absolutely dislike violence, infidelity, and messing with our educators and anyone in general."
"I have never cheated on any girl. But I did date them just because I felt like it, regardless if I actually liked them or not. I don't do that anymore, though."
"Good. I have faith in you. I know, deep down, you have some good within you."
"Thanks, Wendy. Do I just come here everyday from now on?"
"Yup. We also have a class together in the morning. I might even go to your house if you allow me to."
"I wouldn't mind that," he said as he winked, "See ya later, Wendy."
I pictured Hyuna as Goo Joon Pyo's noona in Boys Over Flowers, lol. Keep reading, commenting, and voting!

Wendy Stories
FanfictionShort stories about the one and only Wendy from Red Velvet! Requests are always welcomed! (Comment or message me) Be as specific as possible: 1. Title (it would be very helpful if you came up with a title) 2. Plot/Storyline (give a short descriptio...