Sehun's POV
I arrive at school, hoping to see Wendy. This rascal is going to move soon, but doesn't even try to hang out with me. She stopped talking and texting me altogether; she should've said something! Although I was with ... you know who ... that doesn't mean she could've kept this to herself. We're still best friends!
I keep looking through the hallways. No Wendy in sight.
I smack myself in the head. Knowing Wendy, she would already be in the classroom. Of course she would. She's such a scholar.
I roam through the hallways a bit before approaching the classroom. I enter, but again, no Wendy in sight. She's not in her seat. This is highly unusual. I doubt she would be tardy. Maybe she's sick? She looked fine yesterday, though.
I sit in the chair, deflated. My eyes are trained on Wendy's seat.
Where is she?
I hear girls chattering about Wendy's absence. I turn to look at Seulgi. Wendy has mentioned that she talks to Seulgi a lot.
I run up to her. "Do you know where Wendy is?"
She shakes her head at me, almost as if she's disappointed in me. I narrow my eyes.
"Wendy's off to Canada, Sehun."
"You're joking, right?" I chuckle and lightly punch her shoulder. "Good one, Seulgi. Now tell me where she actually is."
She shakes her head again. "I'm serious. Wendy's on her flight. She didn't tell you?"
"She just said 'soon'!" I yell.
How could she not tell me?
"You should've texted her. You haven't been doing that lately, huh? Since you were with," she glances at Irene and Taehyung making out.
I roll my eyes. "She should've texted me!"
Seulgi tsks me. "You are so dense. Did you ever realize how Wendy feels about you?"
I shrug. "We're best friends. What is there to realize?"
She huffs. "Wendy has been in love with you, Sehun!"
"No way. Why did she help me with her, then?"
"That's how much she loves you. She'll sacrifice her feelings just so you could be happy. You completely forgot about her and replaced her, but she still supported you. I saw her tear up a few times. I guess she thought you didn't need her, so she wanted to leave you be."
Wendy went through all that for me?
"But to go to freaking Canada?"
"Her sister lives there. I think Wendy wants to focus on her education and move on freely."
"But to leave me? Like this? I should've texted her. I'm going to text her right now."
I send a text asking how she's been, and if she is enjoying her flight.
I miss her.
Today, I lost my best friend. And it's all because I immersed myself into that horrid girl. How could I have forgotten about Wendy? She probably hates me. I don't blame her; I deserve this.
I hope you're doing well, Wendy. Goodbye, friend.
Author's POV
Meanwhile in Canada, Seulgi's sentiments are correct. Wendy is moving on from Sehun and dedicating herself to her education. Studying abroad will advance her communication skills, thus setting up her career as a soon-to-be business major. She'll take on her father's company once she is ready.
A text pops up on her phone.
It's from Sehun.
Wendy feels a pang in her heart. She quickly deletes the number; she can't afford any distractions for the time being.
I hope you understand, Sehun.

Wendy Stories
FanfictionShort stories about the one and only Wendy from Red Velvet! Requests are always welcomed! (Comment or message me) Be as specific as possible: 1. Title (it would be very helpful if you came up with a title) 2. Plot/Storyline (give a short descriptio...