"Wendy, you don't have to go to his wedding if you don't to," Seulgi assured.
"Yeah, you're not obligated to," Irene agreed.
"I want to go, though. He's still my friend, after all," Wendy stated.
"Are you going alone?" Joy asked.
"I was hoping you guys would come with me."
"For sure, Wendy!" Yeri exclaimed.
"Okay. I'm going to call Eric now to let him know I'm coming with you guys!"
She clicked on his name in her contacts and pressed the phone option. After several rings, Wendy was convinced he had deleted her number. Devastated, she was about to end the call, but he picked up. Except, it wasn't him. A female voice bitterly said, "Hello, Wendy. Who exactly are you to Eric?"
Wendy's eyes flickered to her members as they all shared the same panicked expression.
"Who are you? Why do you have Eric's phone?"
Her members gave her a thumbs up for that comeback.
"I asked you first. Answer my question and then I'll answer yours."
"Fine." Wendy rolled her eyes. "I am simply Eric's friend, who was invited to his wedding."
"You're not just his friend. He talks about you all the time. I know you guys dated."
"Then why did you ask who I am to him?"
"To see if you were going to tell the whole truth. And you didn't."
"Typically, people don't share private information to strangers on the phone."
"I'm not a total stranger, though. I'll be marrying Eric soon."
All of Red Velvet's mouths opened wide. Silence filled the air on both sides until Wendy croaked out, "You're Solar?"
"That's right. Anyways, why did you call Eric?"
"You never told me why you have his phone."
Solar groaned. "Ugh, it's because he left his phone at home. I picked up the call after seeing your name. Happy?"
Wendy wrinkled her nose. She mouthed no and her members quietly giggled.
"I called Eric because I wanted to let him know I'm going to his wedding with my members."
Solar cackled. "Did you actually think I would still let you attend? Because I'm not. You're totally uninvited. Don't you dare try to go! I'll make sure Eric hates your guts. Bye."
She hung up, leaving Wendy furious. "I'll make sure Eric hates your guts," Wendy scoffed in a high-pitch voice. "Please, Eric is not immature like that. Besides, we have history together. A beautiful yet painful ..." Tears blurred her eyesight as her lip trembled. Her members hugged her, giving her multiple tissues.
"Are you still going to the wedding?" Joy asked.
"You really don't need to go to his wedding if you don't want to," Seulgi repeated.
"I'm not going to go."
"We won't go, either."
Her tears dissipated and was replaced with a bright smile.
A couple of weeks later the guilt started to surface. Should she tell Eric the truth? It wouldn't be safe to call him since Solar might pick up.
Her solution struck her as she entered the supermarket. Unexpectedly, Eric was right in front of her and his eyes met hers.
"Wendy!" he shouted.
"Hey, Eric." She grinned.
"How are you? Can you make it to the wedding?"
"I'm good. And about that, I, unfortunately, can't." Her eyes shifted to the ground.
"Why not?" He frowned.
"Solar uninvited me."
"I called you a while ago and she picked up and just uninvited me."
"Well, now I'm re-inviting you."
"It doesn't work like that, Eric."
"Yes, it does. It's my wedding."
"It's hers, too."
"I'm going to make her accept it."
"Fine, but just so you know, she'll make you hate my guts for attending."
He guffawed. "You're so silly." He pinched her cheek. Wendy flinched, backing up.
He was alarmed. "I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable, Wendy."
"It's all right. Just surprising."
"Just like my sudden marriage news, huh?"
"Definitely." She nodded.
"It's strictly business."
"What?" Her eyes widened.
"I don't love her. I'm just doing this for my family."
She gave him a wavering look.
"I really don't love her. She's not my type at all. She's unbelievably rude and controlling."
"Who is your type, then?"
Their eyes were stuck in a ceaseless stare.
"Why did you break up with me?" Another wavering look was sent.
"Because my parents convinced me to, for the sake of our future." His eyes were hard. "I'm sorry, Wendy. I wish I could be with you right now."
"But you can't. You're going to marry Solar, a girl you don't love."
"Precisely, which is why I want you to come. Even if we can't be together, at least we will be, technically speaking, at the wedding. I want you there, so you can imagine what our wedding might have looked like."
A mixture of happy and sad tears fell down, sliding on her cheeks. Eric wiped them away with his thumbs.
"I keep crying because of you."
"I'm sorry for always hurting you."
"It's okay. What's a love story without sadness?"
He chuckled and hugged her, stroking her hair.
"So I'll see you at the wedding?"
"Of course."
Comment below some Wendy ships you want more stories of and any ideas/requests for their storylines! Feel free to spam the pairings, I'll try my best to get to them! Thank you.

Wendy Stories
FanfictionShort stories about the one and only Wendy from Red Velvet! Requests are always welcomed! (Comment or message me) Be as specific as possible: 1. Title (it would be very helpful if you came up with a title) 2. Plot/Storyline (give a short descriptio...