"You've been spending an awful lot of time with Wendy lately," Ravi said.
"Wendy's pretty cool, though," Hongbin replied.
"Are you ditching us for her?" questioned Leo.
"No, I just like hanging out with her," answered Ken.
"Well, it seems like you like her more than us."
"I mean, I do like her romantically, but that's not true. We've been friends ever since we were children."
"Are you planning on asking her out?"
"I want to."
"Then I don't think we can stay your friends."
"Why not?"
"We just don't want you to be in a relationship."
"Shouldn't you be happy for me if I do? Shouldn't all of you be happy for me right now?"
They all looked down at the ground, unwilling to look Ken in the eyes.
"Thanks," Ken responded, feeling disappointment and defeat as he walked away. He lost his friends.
The next day in the cafeteria, Ken searched for a free table to sit at. He spotted his friends and walked towards their table which had an empty seat. It quickly dawned on him how they weren't exactly his friends anymore. He turned around awkwardly and his eyes flickered to the back of Wendy's hair. Her brunette locks weren't hard to miss. He strutted, confident on asking her out.
"Hey Wendy!" He waved multiple times.
She turned around, revealing her face. A grin appeared.
"Hi Ken!" She waved back equally as much.
"I missed you."
"So did I. How are you?"
"I'm great. I want to ask you something."
"What is it?"
"Will you go out with me?"
"Yes!" she screamed so loud, everyone in the cafeteria heard her, even Ken's previous friends. They shot the new couple a withering glare. Wendy didn't notice it, however, Ken did and was slightly frightened. That feeling stopped once Wendy wrapped her arm around Ken's neck, pulling him into a tight hug filled with warmth. All of his worries and guilts vanished as he was in her loving embrace.
The following days were filled with happiness for the new couple. Ken hung out with Wendy and her friends and forgot about his previous friends. But, when he looked around the cafeteria and saw them, nostalgia struck him. Things will never be the same again. Their memories cloud his mind and Ken couldn't help but sulk. Wendy became aware of Ken's sudden change in his facial expression.
"What's wrong?"
"Are you sure?
He sighed.
"My friends didn't want us to date and I stopped talking to them."
"I'm so sorry. I think you should talk to them. Maybe you guys can come to an agreement."
"It's fine. With the way they were scowling at me when I asked you out, I don't think they'll want to stay my friends anyways. As long as I have you, I'm happy. It'll just take me some time to adjust."
"That's understandable. Please don't bottle up your feelings, though. You can always talk to me about them."
"Thank you, Wendy." Sadly, his gaze seeked the ground as he sulked some more.
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Wendy Stories
FanfictionShort stories about the one and only Wendy from Red Velvet! Requests are always welcomed! (Comment or message me) Be as specific as possible: 1. Title (it would be very helpful if you came up with a title) 2. Plot/Storyline (give a short descriptio...