It is currently 3 AM, and the baby is crying. Groaning, Wendy wakes up. Well, she never was asleep to begin with. She looks over to Mark, who is knocked out.
How can you sleep through this? How can you sleep at all?
Wendy hasn't gotten a wink of sleep ever since she was pregnant. She gets up from the bed, absentmindedly and groggily walking to her baby's crib. Yawning, she cradles the baby boy and kisses his forehead.
"Okay, Ethan. I don't know why you're crying, but I hope you'll be soothed by this because I don't know what else to do."
I'm so tired.
Hoping for Ethan to quiet down, she holds him closer to her heart. Instead, he cries louder--loud enough for Mark to hear and wake up disoriented.
"Why is Ethan crying so much?"
"I don't know, Mark. I have no idea. I'm such a failure of a mother." Tears slide down her cheek.
He rushes to Wendy's side and kisses her neck. "Don't say that," he whispers. "You're a great mother. Go lay on the bed. I'll take care of him."
She's so tired she can't even utter a thank you. Collapsing on the bed, she closes her eyes, and before she knows it, Ethan is sound asleep.
Mark shifts the weight on the bed.
"Did Ethan stop crying?"
"Yes, he did. Now try to go to sleep."
Magically, she does fall asleep.
9 AM rolls around; Wendy is in the kitchen, preparing Ethan's meal. Yum, baby food. She sets the food onto his tray and takes a seat. Holding a spoonful of banana pudding, she attempts to feed him. He doesn't open his mouth. She continues with the airplane method:
"Here comes the airplane!" she exclaims as she mimics an airplane sound and maneuvers the spoon through the imaginary clouds.
Ethan stares at her in amusement.
"Open your mouth, Ethan. Look, it's your favorite: banana pudding." She tries again, and success! Ethan is consuming the food.
And then he's not.
Wendy recovers from being spat on.
"Thank you, Ethan. Yellow spit really brings out the color of my black shirt."
He giggles.
I can't ever hate you.
He then knocks over the container.
On second thought, maybe I can.
He unleashes more giggles.
I really can't.
Mark enters the kitchen and gives Wendy a peck on the cheek. "Uh oh. What happened to your shirt?" Her eyes are directed at their son. "He spit on me."
"Did he also push the package?" She nods.
"Do you want me to feed him?" She nods eagerly; Mark smiles. "All right." He goes over to Ethan to feed him another container of banana pudding, and Ethan is eating it up.
Wendy cocks her head. "How did you..."
He shrugs. "Magic."
"It sure is."
A few hours later, Wendy checks on Ethan's diaper after having changed her shirt. It is definitely filled with poop. She takes off the diaper and tries to change it, but his pee stream attacks her. She gasps loudly.
Mark barges into the room. He sees a liquid dripping from her face and asks, "Did he pee on you?"
Wendy pouts, and Mark doesn't ask any further questions. "Go change. Meanwhile, I'll change his diaper. She mouths a thank you and dashes to her bathroom to wash her face. Grabbing the second shirt of the day, she wears it and heads back into the nursery room.
Maybe Mark needs some help.
She realizes he successfully changed Ethan's diaper and he is stainless.
Of course he doesn't.
Evening approaches, meaning Ethan's bath time. Wendy sets him in the tub and begins to clean him. He thrashes the water, splashing the soap water into her eyes.
Her eyes are burning.
As if on cue, Mark comes to the rescue. "I heard a lot of splashing. Are you guys having a water fight?"
"My eyes are filled with soap water, Mark. The water got into my eyes."
"Wash your eyes out. I'll bathe Ethan."
"Thanks, Mark."
It is now nighttime. Wendy carries Ethan to bed. He lays on the bed, but doesn't close his eyes. She tries to swaddle him like a burrito; it doesn't work.
"Mark! I need your help." He runs into the room. "Ethan doesn't want to sleep?"
"He's so hyper. I can't swaddle him in this thingy."
"Go to sleep, Wen. I'll get him to bed." He steps in front of the crib, gazing at his son. Holding the swaddle, he wraps Ethan in it.
She back hugs Mark. "Thank you for always being there to help me, Mark. I really appreciate it. I know I should be able to do these things by myself, but you willingly help me anyway. I love you."
He turns around and pulls her closer to him. Brushing her bangs away, he plants a kiss on her lips and deepens it.
"It is my pleasure to be of your service. You are my wife after all, and a great mother. You're trying, and that's what really counts."
"I'm glad you're my husband and the father of Ethan. Otherwise, how could I have created him?"
Mark chuckles, and they stare admiringly at their son. He's sound asleep.

Wendy Stories
FanfictionShort stories about the one and only Wendy from Red Velvet! Requests are always welcomed! (Comment or message me) Be as specific as possible: 1. Title (it would be very helpful if you came up with a title) 2. Plot/Storyline (give a short descriptio...