A short girl enters the room. She must be lost.
Confused, I ask her, "Are you looking for a certain place?"
She answers, "Yeah, the boxing club."
"The boxing club?"
She nods her head.
My friends turn around to look at her. They, too, are confused. But I can tell they're secretly happy. It's written all over their faces. Punks.
I can't blame them, though. She's cute.
That doesn't mean she's allowed to barge in, unexpected and unannounced. Who does she think she is? Roaming around the hallways, looking for "the boxing club." Yeah, right.
"I happen to like wearing big red gloves and punching people."
The guys snicker. Again, punks.
Smiling, Myungsoo welcomes her, "Enjoy your stay, then." He adds, "I'm Myungsoo."
Shyly, Wendy greets him, "I'm Wendy."
Woohyun rushes to her, extending his arm. "Nice to meet you, Wendy. I'm Woohyun." Wendy accepts his hand, and firmly shakes it. "Nice to meet you, too."
Sungjong places his arm around her shoulders. "You're in for a fun ride, Wendy," Sungjong confidently claims in a whisper. She giggles.
"What Sungjong actually means is you're in for a long ride," Sungyeol corrects.
"And you are?"
"Pardon our manners," he says as he shoots Sungjong a glare, "I'm Sungyeol."
"And lastly, this is Dongwoo," he introduces while pointing to him. Dongwoo waves.
Wendy scoots closer to Sungyeol. She asks quietly, "Who's the guy that's staring at me?"
Sungyeol finds Sunggyu's eyes directed at Wendy and tells her, "That's Sunggyu, our leader."
"So why is he staring at me?"
Sungyeol contemplates this. "1) He finds you attractive; 2) He strongly dislikes you. I'm rooting for one, since you are attractive, but I'm afraid it's probably two, as he's not trying to pursue you."
Her eyes widen, and she tries to hide her blush. He called her attractive. The second statement troubles her, though. "How can he dislike me already?"
"Our leader is unique. You know, when we're not boxing, we're dancing, and he can't even remember the choreography."
"My best friend can be like that, too. She's very forgetful."
I cut their conversation. "Are you planning on joining this club?"
I shake my head and close my eyes. "I don't think so; I won't allow this."
She crosses her arms. "Why not?"
I scoff. "You're a girl, and this is a boxing club."
This causes her to scoff as well. "Female boxers exist, you know."
"Not in my club."
I can feel my friends' glowers at me, but I don't care.
"What if we make a deal?"
I raise my eyebrow. "Elaborate."
"If I can prove myself worthy of this club in, say, a week, then you have to let me stay," she proposes.
I admire her courage, so I dare not to decline.
"All right," I approve.
Game on, Wendy.
Give my new JaeGi (Jaebum X Seulgi), 20 Things I Love About You, and MarkDy, The Replies, story a read, please!

Wendy Stories
FanficShort stories about the one and only Wendy from Red Velvet! Requests are always welcomed! (Comment or message me) Be as specific as possible: 1. Title (it would be very helpful if you came up with a title) 2. Plot/Storyline (give a short descriptio...