After three years of dating, Sehun finally has the courage to propose. He purchases a diamond ring, and drives to his girlfriend's building.
He speaks to the receptionist, persuading her to call Wendy down. As it turns out, she is quite the romance fanatic.
Wendy walks out of the elevator and runs to Sehun.
"What are you here for?"
Sehun responds by kneeling on one knee. Behind his back is the ring box. He smoothly maneuvers it around his waist and pops open the box. "Will you marry me, Wendy?"
Wendy screams of joy and squeals, "Yes, of course, Sehun!" She then attacks him with loving kisses.
Her employees congratulate and clap for her as Sehun slides the ring onto her finger. The couple hug each other tightly.
Five months later, their wedding takes place. Wendy walks down the aisle, hand in hand with her father. Sehun stands proudly and gleefully, staring at his soon-to-be wife.
They exchange vows:
"I, Oh Sehun, choose you Son Wendy,
To be no other than yourself,
Loving what I know of you, trusting what I do not yet know.
I will respect you as an individual, a partner, and an equal.
I promise to laugh with you when times are good, and endure with you
when they are bad.
I will always adore, honor and encourage you.
You are my best friend, and I will love you always.""I take you, Oh Sehun, this day as my husband. I promise to walk by your side forever as your best friend, your lover, and your soul mate.
You are the love of my life and I am proud to marry you. I promise to support your dreams and to be there for you for all eternity."
Next they exchange rings. The duo slide the rings steadily, and the officiant pronounces them husband and wife.
"You may now kiss the bride."
Sehun smiles as he plants a soft kiss onto his wife's lips. The pair smile in unison and whisper, "I love you."

Wendy Stories
FanfictionShort stories about the one and only Wendy from Red Velvet! Requests are always welcomed! (Comment or message me) Be as specific as possible: 1. Title (it would be very helpful if you came up with a title) 2. Plot/Storyline (give a short descriptio...