Seongwoo kept his word of making Wendy always smile by being at her side 24/7. The most recent time she needed some cheering up was before her presentation. She was beyond nervous. Palms sweaty, heart racing, irregular breaths -- she was in desperate need of calmness. Luckily, she had Seongwoo. He noticed her freaking out and came to her aid.
"Wendy, take some deep breaths."
She did as instructed. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. All of her worries vanished and she returned to normal.
"What were you so nervous about?"
"Messing up. I don't feel prepared."
"Run through your lines right now." She shook her head.
"C'mon, I'll be your audience."
"I'm also scared about the audience. I can't handle all those piercing eyes all at once. It's too much."
"Imagine them as me, then."
"Because..." He whipped out his infamous O shaped mouth with the scary eyes. (A/N: I don't even know how to describe how his eyes looked when he made those faces in the first chapter of this story.)
She smacked him with her right hand while placing her left hand over her mouth.
"Don't cover your mouth. Unleash that bright smile."
Again, she obeyed his order. Revealing her pearly whites encouraged him to smile too.
"Okay. Now go out there and present your heart out. Hwaiting!" His lifted his right fist to the side of his face.
"Hwaiting!" she exclaimed with determination in her eyes.
Wendy's presentation went well. She actually took Seongwoo's advice and imagined her peers as him, which made her feel comfortable. Except her heart fluttered when Seongwoo gazed at her.
After the round of applause, Wendy scurried to her seat and Seongwoo gave her a high five.
"I'm so proud of you."
"Thank you, Seongwoo. I couldn't have done this without you." Tears brimmed her waterline.
"Why are you tearing up?" he asked, worried.
"I'm so grateful to have you by my side. Normally when I'm nervous I just deal with it. So during my presentations, I would always blank out and rely heavily on my slides. When I vented my sadness over my GPA, you didn't tell me how I shouldn't have been upset. You understood how I wanted my grades to be impeccable. Thank you."
He wiped her tears with both of his thumbs, cradling her face.
"You're absolutely welcome, Wendy. But the pleasure is all mines, like I said. I wouldn't have wanted to cheer up any other girl besides you."
He grinned genuinely, his smile reaching his eyes. Wendy couldn't help but smile too.
"Do you want me to drive you home?"
"No, it's okay. I can walk by myself."
"I can walk with you."
"You've had enough of me for one day."
"I can never have enough."
She stuck her tongue out and left the school. Little did she know, Seongwoo followed her to ensure she got home safe. Walking home has always been her routine and she always felt completely protected.
Out of nowhere, a drunk man holding a beer bottle appeared in daylight and stared angrily at Wendy. At first she just stood there, but as he took steps closer to her, she ran. Her flight response kicked in and she was screaming. No one was around so that was useless. The man had no problem yelling his lungs out either as he began to run as well.
She kept looking back, seeing if the man caught up to her, and bumped into someone. It was Seongwoo.
"This man is chasing me!" Fear was evident in her eyes. Seongwoo grabbed her hand and ran. They stopped at a nearby store to catch their breaths. He pulled out his phone to call the police, describing the man.
Wendy trembled as she sobbed. Seongwoo embraced her warmly. Her arms wrapped tightly around his waist and he stroked her hair down to her back.
"It's okay. You're okay. I've got you," he cooed.
He felt her heart beat slowly, indicating her calming down.
"I was so scared. I thought he would've hurt me."
"I know. You were brave."
"Thank you for being there, like always. Wait, how did you know where I was?" She got out of his embrace, waiting for an answer.
His face flushed. "I followed you..." he murmured, "I'm sorry..."
She sighed. "I forgive you. From now on I'll let you walk home with me."
"I was planning on walking you home anyways. After this incident, I'm going to be your bodyguard."
"I want you to be my boyfriend, though." As soon as those words left her mouth, she bit her lip and her cheeks turned bright pink.
"Wow, Wendy, you're fearless now, eh?"
"Shut up!" She pounded his shoulder.
"I don't think you'd want me to do that since I'm here to tell you I really want to be your boyfriend."
Wendy's eyes dilated, and on an impulse, kissed his cheek. However, that wasn't satisfactory for Seongwoo and he tapped his lips. He saw her blush again and smirked.
To wipe that smirk off his face, she held and tilted his neck and pulled it closer, crashing her lips onto his. He placed his hands on her waist to close the space between them.
"Today is officially our first day."
"Yes, yes, it is." He attempted to wink.
"You and Seulgi need some winking lessons." She chuckled.
"Not as much as you need lessons on how to stop crying."
"You're right. But I have you, my happy virus."
"And bodyguard."
"And boyfriend."
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Wendy Stories
FanfictionShort stories about the one and only Wendy from Red Velvet! Requests are always welcomed! (Comment or message me) Be as specific as possible: 1. Title (it would be very helpful if you came up with a title) 2. Plot/Storyline (give a short descriptio...