Boxing: WenGyu (4)

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Epilogue; I plucked up the courage to ask Wendy out, and now we're dating! I can freely flirt with her all I want without feeling embarrassed.

The following moments are the highlights of our relationship:

1) When Woohyun asked her who she would stay stranded on an island with, she pointed in my direction and gazed my way. To clarify whether it was me, she explained how she wanted to get to know me. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) And so, of course, I said how I definitely will let her get to know me.

2) She wanted to arm wrestle me to show off her strength. I obliged and I started off strong. Wendy was struggling to pin my hand down whereas I had no trouble keeping my hand up high. I also enjoyed the feeling of holding her hand, so that encouraged me to not end the game just yet. Myungsoo noticed and asked why I was just holding her hand. I replied how it wasn't a bad feeling. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

3) After that match, she touched my hand to see if her nails didn't make an indent. A small action, but it meant a lot to me. Her nails barely made a mark yet she wanted to make sure. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

4) She asked me the most dreaded question that I had anticpated, but it was a necessary question to begin our relationship truthfully. That question being: "Did you really not want me to join because I was a girl?" Obviously not. I answered, "I didn't want you to become a distraction for the club." She chuckled and so did I. That was quite a silly reason.

Soon after Wendy joined the club, other girls have started rolling in, including her friends. Now my friends are very content with the club with the additional members and won't be envious of my relationship with Wendy.

I can safely say letting her stay was the best decision I have made this school year. Anyone should be able to feel free to join whatever club they desire and fight for what they believe in. Good luck.

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