draco's half sister (a harry potter fanfic)

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okay, this is just an idea that I have. I don't have a real story but leave a comment of what you think of it and of I should write it.

the storyline :

lucius malfoy has another child besides draco, but it isn't Narcissa's. He had once a relationship with a half blood from gryfindor and she was pregnant of his firts child. Lucius tought that nobody knew about her or his unborn child and he breaks the relationship after he knew she was pregnant. he was afraid of what the others would say about his flirt with this half blood.  the mother died when she was giving birth to her daughter and she left a letter for her family  where in stood that they must protect the child from him and the other deatheaters. So her family  hid the girl in a muggle family and they gave her the name bryanna. But  15 years later the other deatheaters found out about the girl and demanded Lucius to take her away from those muggles and let her live with him in the Malfoy Manor, because she was a pure blood and could be a great deatheater one day. and that's how Bry's story starts, she had to left her family and learns about magic and other magical things in the summer vacation.  but when she has to go to Hogwarts, she's afraid that she isn't good enough....

it starts when draco and harry etc. are in their third year. but Bry is a year older. so I think that she's in the class with Fred and George. (I've seen the movies but not red the books only the firts one so I'm not sure)

sooooo. ... what do you think, it's my firts fanfic and now I just have a rough storyline in mind. maybe you understand now shit about the story. .. but I think when you start to read it that it wil clear. oh yeah, my mother language is not English so there will be a lot of grammar mistakes.  but I do my best, okay....

( there will be a some swearing so if you don't like it then don't read it, or read it but ignore the swearing Idk. ...)


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