chapter 4: friends and enemies

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chapter 4: friends, and enemies

I'm waiting in the lounge room with Draco until Narcissa is ready to go.  This morning,  Blinky waked me up early because I had to make a list of all my stuff. After that, I put on a cute, green dress and some heels. Draco lent me his jacket, because it's gonna be a rainy day.

I look again at the list, making sure that I didn't forget anything:

-my clothes: dresses, t-shirts, jeans, trousers, sweaters, underwear, jackets, skirts, pyjama's...

- my computer + charger

- my mp-3 + charger

- the charger of my cell phone

-my books

- pictures of my family and friends

When I'm done rereading it, Narcissa steps into the room. She smiles at us and puts on some gloves. Lucius also comes in to say goodbye and I give him the list. 

'The meeting is cancelled, so I'm going to get your stuff today.' He looks at the list.

'Can you say hi from me to mom and Jay?' I ask.

'Of course, I will do that.' 

'Thanks.' He leans forward and gives me a kiss on my forehead. This is suppose to be nice and sweet, but then I remember his words from the day before and shivers run down my back.

'Are you ready, Bryanna?' Narcissa asks.

'Yes,.' I smile at her and then we're going outside to an old-looking carriage.

The ride to Diagon Alley takes longer then I expected and I'm starting to get nervous. Draco told me that the wand chooses his wizard or witch. But what if no wand chooses me? Maybe then I can go home...  And they're casting a spell on me so I forget everything about this world. I don't want to forget all the magical things I've heard and seen. And I don't think that I'm never going to see Jayden and mom again. I will find way ...

In Diagon Alley, I'm  overwhelmed with magic. There's a shop where you can buy brooms, or another one where you can buy potion ingredients. I want to go inside every shop, but Narcissa leads me to a shop. Ollivander's wands is written above the door. We step inside and an old man comes to us.

'Oh, I remember you, hawthorn, unicorn core 10"...' He looks at Draco.

He smiles and nods.

'Hello, Ollivander..' Narcissa says.

'Mrs Malfoy, nice to see you again, how can I help you?' The old man asks.

'We're coming for a wand for this young lady.' Ollivander looks at me. Then he goes away to the back of the shop, he comes back with a little box.

'This one shook a little bit when you came in' He gives me the box, 'Please, Miss....'

'Bryanna, I'm Bryanna Malfoy.' I look from the corner of my eye at Draco and Narcissa. 

'Please, miss Malfoy, try the wand.' 

I take the wand out the box and I feel a direct connection with it. It has a light color and I look at the beautiful, little leaves that are carved in it.  I take a deep breath and forget for a second where I am at the moment. The only thing that matters is this wand.

'I was right, congratulations, miss Malfoy, this is your wand. Vine, 10" and and phoenix feather as core.' I smile at him and he smiles back.

Narcissa discuss the price, while Draco and I are investigating my wand. 

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