chapter 18: strange things

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chapter 18: strange things

My finals went great and finally the vacation began. I still needed to learn all the lessons I've missed, but I can go away now from the mansion and stuff. I don't quite know why Lucius trusts me so much. I mean, I ran away for a stupid reason and I don't really know what that reason was, I was afraid of my father and his friends, but I don't remember why. Lucius explained me that his friends where a group of people that fight in a war that happened ages ago and that my grandfather told me that the group were bad people. I still don't understand it, though. But after all, we're a happy family again. Even though, it feels sometimes like I need to pretend that I'm happy, like I play in a bad movie of my life. I don't tell that to anybody, I don't want to mess it up a second time, not now when things are great and when my father actually act like a care-taking father. 

One of the last days of the vacation we're going to the Quidditch World Cup. I'm waiting in my part of our tent until it starts. I wanted to read a book, but I just can't concentrate. I keep thinking about the first talk with my father when I woke up. And especially what he said about Adrian. How can I break up with him if I still love him. I shake my head and go to the main part of our tent, Lucius is talking to Fudge and Draco looks bored. I smile. 

'I'm gonna take a walk.' I say to the men. Lucius nods and goes on with his conversation with Fudge. I go outside and, as I tought so, Draco follows.

'I don't need a bodyguard, Draco.' I say.

He lifts an eyebrow, 'I was just bored.'

'Yeah, I saw that.' We go to the forest that leads to the stadium. After a silence walk, I see a fallen tree and go sit on it.  He goes sit next to me, after he made sure that his suite wouldn't get dirty, of course.

When he finally sits, he says: ' Bry, are you allright? You look worried?'

Should I say it to him, about my fears that I just play-along? That I feel trapped sometimes? I don't think that's a good idea, but maybe I should tell him about Adrian. I sigh, ' Well... It's about Adrian...'

'Don't say you didn't dump him yet.' Draco says loudly.

'Yeah, well, that's not so easy, you know.' 

'Just send him a letter...'

'NO,' I interrupt him, No, are you fucking kidding me, you can't just break up with somebody by sending a letter. I'm not  a heartless bitch...'

'It would be the easiest way...' He says.

'You know what? Forget about it... I think it will start soon, let's go.' I say irrated and I stand up and walk into the forest.

The game is over and I'm exhausted, so I decide to go to sleep, even though it isn't late yet. I sit on my bed and take off my shoes, when Draco  comes in.

'And what did you think about it?'

'The game?' he nods. 'Well it was cool.' the truth is that I really didn't follow it, I was thinking about Adrian the whole game long.

'Did you see how Krum took the Snitch. Man that was so amazing. He's the best Seeker in the world, you know....' Draco goes on and on about this Viktor Krum, but I don't pay attention and still think about Adrian. I think that I still love him. But that can't be, I promised my father to break up with him. My hands go through my hair and I'm getting irrated, Why do I have this mood-swings?  Sometimes, I'm loyal to Lucius,  but there are this short moments when I hate him and I want to run away again. It's making me crazy.

'Bry, I'm worried... Is there something wrong?' Draco asks and then I realise that I'm crying. I quickly whipe away my tears, but before I could answer Lucius and Narcissa come in.

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