chapter 20: water thingy

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chapter 20: water thingy

I try to study Defence Against The Dark Arts in the common room,  close to the fireplace,  but it's not easy when everybody is making themselves ready to go to the first Challenge of the Triwizard Tournament. I sigh and concentrate on my books. Pansy and Daphne come out of their dorm room. I take a book and place it before me head so my face is covered. But they saw me and walk to my table.

'Hey.' they say.

I don't look up and say: 'Hi.'

'Are you sure you don't want to come?' Pansy asks.

'I need to study, sorry.' I say, still with my nose in the books.

'But your O.W.L's are at the end of the year... Why should you study now? '

'You really thinks she's going to study, Parkinson.' Adrian say and now I finally look up. He stands a little bit behind them, alone.'She just faking a depression because she's so damn heartbroken.'


'Hey,  Daphne.' he interrupts me. 'Do you have already a date  for the Yule Ball? '

Daphne looks angry at him and doesn't answer.

'Yeah, whatever.' He says and leaves the room.

'What. A. Jerk.' Pansy says.

'No, he has all the rights to be angry.' I correct her.

'Okay, Bry,  stop defending him. He's being an asshole now.' Daphne says  severely.

I shrug my shoulders, they sigh and leave. When everyone's gone, the only thing I hear is the fire. I concentrate on my books, or I try to concentrate. My toughts are still with Adrian. It's true. He is a jerk now, he insults me all the time,  even when some quidditch players and Draco told him to stop  and he kisses girls in front of me. Every time I feel more and more depressed and I miss him even more then before. He's a really stupid jerk, but I still defend him. I close my books and go outside to take a walk.

I avoid the lake,  because it reminds me of my fight with Adrian, so I go to the edge of the forbidden forest. Because I look down at the ground, I bump into Snape.

'Sorry, Proffesor.  I didn't pay attention.'

'What are you doing here, miss Malfoy?'  He says with his cold voice.

'Uhm... Well I...'

'If you're not going to the Tournament, I recommend you go somewhere where nobody is and do something usefull.' He goes to the castle without looking at me again.

  I walk to the stadium where the Champions are fighting dragons I guess. What was that all about..

I think about what he meant with "something usefull". Maybe studying?  But why did I need to go somewhere deserted for studying? When the cheers are just whipers, I stop and walk a little bit into the forest. That's the most deserted place I could think off. I'm not going too far though (you never know what for vicious creatures live here) and go sit on the ground, I automatically play with some grass. Sometimes, it's nice to just sit and think about stuff, about Adrian (obviously. ..) school, family, Snape's weird words and eventually I also think about my powers. Maybe I could do something without Snape's help... Just to try it one time. I stand up and close my eyes, concentrate on the wind... After a while I feel a wind going from my feet to my hands and then blow in my face and play with my hair. I open my eyes and see that my feet are 5 feet above the ground, I put myself down and waste my time with  lifting up branches and leaves. It's get boring after a while and I go lay on my back, watching the trees that cover the sky. I think about what I could do with my powers to control the wind and about what I could do if I could control other elements. But what if... What if I have the others too. I mean, they are saying that I'm stronger than my mother. It could be true. I sit up and look at the ground, it's muddy because of the rainy days. I think about growing a plant or creating an earth monster. But nothing happens, even thouh I concentrate really hard. Well it isn't earth.... I stand up and stretch my arm, I think about a flame that appears in my handpalm and again nothing happens. Maybe you need a fire to control it... So that means I can only try it in the common room by the fire place. I rush back to the castle, but when I pass the stadium, everything is quiet. Everyone is back to their common rooms or to the Great Hall, so I can't try it today. Well fuck... I slow down and look at the ground, until I reach the lake, I didn't come to this place after that fight. I look around; nobody's around. I stretch my hand and concentrate on the water. And then it happens, a trail of water goes up and I can move it. I lower my hand and the water goes back into the lake with a big splash. With a happy feeling I step inside the castle, people are going back to their common room. Wow, was I away for such a long time... Even dinner is finished. I still go to the Great Hall though, because I'm really hungry from my training...  Nobody's sitting on the Slytherin table. Expect Lévy,  she still reads a book and chews on a piece of bread. I go sit in front of her and also take a piece of bread. She's been my friend after the fight. Well more or less, accord to Draco she's also a blood-traitor,  because she's also an o'Hare (okay it's complicated, but let me try to explain: she's the daughter of the only son of my grandfather's older brother, yeah complicated, I know) But besides of that, she helped after I broke up with Adrian and she's good in a lot of classes (always handy if you have a smart friend). I don't talk to her in the common room (Draco could tell it to our father), but in classes and sometimes during breaks between classes, we talk and make fun of people. And also on our room of course, she asks me almost every night to play a song on my guitare.

'Hello.' She interrupts my thoughts.

'Hello.' I say happy.

She looks up, 'Well someone is in a happy mood.' She says with a smile.

I shrug my shoulders, 'I thought a little bit and you know what, Adrian isn't worth it. There are more important things in life than that jerk.'

'So you go to the Yule Ball?  Maybe with Montague,  he's still available.'

'No, probably not.'

'Come on, Bry. I don't even have a date and I'm still going.'

I shake my head a little bit and change the subject: 'How was the Tournament?'

'Potter didn't die, if that's what you mean.'

'Ow, goddammit...'

She laughs,  we talk a little about it (the dragond were really cool...) and stand up to go to the dungeons.

'You can go... I need to go to Snape first.' I say. Maybe it's a good idea to tell him about the water thingy.

'Ooooh... troubles?' She says and pokes me between my ribs.

I poke her back: 'Of course,  didn't you know, I'm a really bad girl.  it's a suprise I didn't get caught before.'

She smiles, 'Yeah right.'

'Yeah right.' I say and go to Snape's room.

I told him about it and he isn't suprised. He says that he expected that. But we will talk about it after the holidays and I must leave. He was in a really bad mood, so I was glad to leave. I close the door, want to take a step and then there's a pain in my left arm. I roll up my sleeves and see my mark, lightly glowing and more visual than ever.

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