chapter 15: Thérèse

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chapter 15: Thérèse

After our entrance, they begin to discuss. They don't really pay attention to us, but I still don't calm down. The conversation is about a certain Sirius Black. I heard about him before, he escaped from Azkaban and that's why the Dementors are guarding the school. I start to ignore their talking and look at my hands, but when "The Dark Lord" comes up, they have my full attention. They think that he's gonna rise again. But that can't happen... He's too weak, some even think that he's fucking dead. How can he rise again?

'Did you know, Lucius? There are rumors that Peter Pettigrew is going to come back and help the dark lord.' A women with dark blond hair says. I hold my breath. I want to leave, like right now. I don't want to be with these people any longer.

'Yes, I heard about that.' Lucius says slowly and he thinks for a while, 'We need to be ready, he probably wants to kill the Potter kid when he's back.'

Approving mumbles coming from the people and Draco nods.

'Does she have her powers already?' The same women asks and she looks at me with penetrating eyes. they all look at me now, and I begin to blush.

'No, not yet.' Lucius says with a little bit of disappointment in his voice.

'Pity. She needs to be trained when he rises. So she can fight allong with us.' Says a man on the other side of the table. You wish. I'll never be a Deatheater and they are not gonna train me.

They go back to planning what to do when Voldemort rises again. 

'Draco, Bryanna, you two can go. Please don't disturb us.' We stand up and leave the room quitely. I go to my room and lock the door, even tough it doesn't really matter because when they want to go inside they just say a spell. I take a large backpack and put some clothes in it, together with a few books and my cell phone charger. Lucius didn't give my other stuff back, but that isn't important. I need to leave now, I'm going to my grandpa, maybe they will not find me there.  I will be safe, for a time. First I need to write a letter to them.. And Adrian, he also needs to know about this. Like he red my mind, an owl sits on my window sill. I grab a paper and pencil and write down what I'm planning to do (twice). I give it to the owl and he leaves immediately. I close the backpack and stand stil, I can't just walk outside, they'll notice me. Maybe I can climb down? I look through the windows, but there are no plants to climb and the wall is too slippery. I sigh. Okay, plan B. I can take the back door and then take a run for it. 

I take my backpack and sneek in the hallway. Draco is in his room, I hear the turning of pages, so I guess he's reading a book and then I hear a long sigh. Well, he wanted to stay, because I saw that he was dissapoited about the fact that he had to leave. I walk slowly to the stairs, still listening at Draco. At the stairs I look down. Okay nobody's here. I reach the back door without being noticed, and I begin to be suspicious, this is too easy. Even no house elves around, what the heck? I stand stil for a moment, making sure that nobody comes my way and then I open the door and run. I run and run around the house and then come to a great fence. I take a jump, I hook my foot into an opening and take the trellis of the fence with my both hands. After a while, I mannage to get over the fence and take a breath, but then  begin to run again. I can't stand stil now, but where do I need to go, the mansion is in a really desert place and I don't even know of there's a muggle town close by. On my left side, there is a big open field and on my right, there is a big forest. I stay and think about my best chances. They'll find me in the open field, but on the other hand they don't think that I will take that way. But I can hide in the forest. A loud man voice behind me screams out my name. Shivers are going down my back, it's Lucius. And then other shouts are coming and when I turn around I see figures going up with their brooms. I make a decision and go into the forest. I find a little cave and rest there. I may not fall asleep now... But eventually I fall asleep.

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