chapter 2: how my life turns out to be a lie

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chapter 2: how my life turns out te be a lie.

A little bit of sunshine tickles my nose, it wakes me from a dreamless sleep. I don't want to wake up immediately, so I stay in bed with my eyes closed. I'm thinking about yesterday, the sunny day, the icecream with my brother, the weird call, the open door and the man. Everything comes back in a flash. I jump out of my bed and look around. My bed? No, this isn't my bed. My bed is small and has childish sheets with teddy bears on it. This bed has black sheets and is big, there's room for 2 persons or even more. It's a four poster bed. And then I look around. Fortunately, there's nobody in this room. In front of the bed, there's a dressing table with a large mirror and an old chair next to it. I step out the bed and look around. There's also a big closet and next to the closet, a door. I run to it and try to open it, but it's locked. 'Goddamnit...' I whisper and I turn around. There's another door, but that one leads to a bathroom. There has to be a way out of here. I go to the 2 big windows, but it's to high to jump. Maybe... If I make a rope with the sheets... 

'You're awake!' I turn around quickly, but I see nobody.

'Look down, mistress;' I look at the floor and there I see a creature with big eyes and some big ears too. 'Hello, mistress, i'm Blinky, you're house elf.'

'My what??' 

'A house elf, mistress, Blinky will serve you, but now we don't have time to explain all he things that  Blinky does. Master Malfoy wants to see you in the study room. You need to change. '

'This isn't true. You don't exist. You're not real.' I whisper, looking at the weird creature. Such things only exist in fairy tales.

Blinky looks at herself, like she's making sure that she really exist. 'Sorry, mistress, but I think that I am real.'

The elf, or whatever this creature is, takes my hand, but I pull it back.

'Please, we don't have time, he expected you a while ago...' 

'NO!!' I shout at her and she cringes. 'Sorry, I- I didn't want to frighten you, Blinky. But,' I kneel before her,' I just want to know what's going on. Where am I and when can I go back home.'

She looks with her big eyes into mine:' Master is going to explain you everything.'

I sigh: ' I have to get ready?' She nods, 'Yes and we need to hurry or master will not be pleased with Blinky.'

I sigh again and walk with her to the closet. Blinky gives me a close-fitting black dress and some black high heels. There's a silver detail on the short sleeves of the dress. I'm going to the bathroom to change. When I see myself in the mirror I startle. Man, I look like a mess. My red hair looks like a dynamite explosion, so I start to brush it and make a tight bun. With that dress and the high heels, I look like an adult. A long sigh leaves my lips. If I want to get out of here, then I must do what they tell me, I guess. I walk outside and Blinky gasps. 'My, my,...  you look beautiful, mistress.'

'thank you, but stop calling me like that, it makes me feel uncomfortable.' 

'But, but,...' She stutters.

'Just call my Bryanna or Bry.' I say to her.

'No, Blinky can't.'she shout frightened, 'Master will hurt Blinky. Blinky can't call you by your firts name, it's inappropriate...'

'Okay, okay, it's alright. Just show me the way to this man then.' 

'Okay, mistress.' She takes my hand again and leads me out of the room without using a key.Wait a sec, that door was locked,  how did she do that?We're walking through a large hallway and going down a big staircase that  leads to another hall. We're walking for 5 minutes when Blinky opens a big door that leads to  a room with a desk in the middle of it. There are also some portraits and bookshelves, but I don't give attention to it. The tall man with white-blond hair looks into my eyes and for a long time we're just standing there, looking at each other without making a sound. His eyes, they look so familiar, like they are... they are mine. No this can be.

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