chapter 11: plans

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chapter 11: plans

Lévy's soft laugh wakes me from my sleep. I look up, still half asleep and see that she's holding a paper. I wanted to go back to sleep, but then I see wich paper she's holding  and I jump out of bed. When I wanted to take it she holds her hand high and I can't reach it anymore. Goddamn...

' Come on, take it then..' She says with a big smile on her face.

'Just give it back...'

'So you have a secret lover, huh? I recognize this handwriting.... it's one of the Weasleys. ... Everybody says that you and Adrian will be the next couple... But you want a forbidden love, huh? A Slytherin and Gryffindor love story, secret kisses in the hallway and passing love letters during class. .. How cute..' she says.

' I don't like Weasley,  okay? Now give me the paper so I can burn it...'

'Ow, I don't judge, the Weasley twins are hilarious,  but I tought you brother would love to see this too.'

No... I start to panick... What if he's going to tell it to Lucius. ... I still feel his cane in my belly and some bruises are still visible. I feel the tears coming, but I try to push them away... 'Please don't....' I beg her, 'Just give it back...'

Her smile dissappears, 'Sorry, here...' she gives it back, 'Are you alright? I was just joking...'

' yeah I'm fine.' and I walk to the bathroom to change.

The day goes by and I don't see Lévy anymore. At the end of the day, I'm early done with my first homework and go outside.  I walk for a few hours and decide to sit on a bench in the sun. I close my eyes and let the sun warm my face, when a soft touch on my cheek makes me turn around. I look in the eyes of George Weasley and I quickly stand up and walk away. But, of course,  he follows me. I sigh.

' Hey, did you get my note. ' He smiles at me.

'Yeah, I got it, but could you leave me alone now. I get into trouble if I talk with you.' I say.

'I tought you were badass... A little trouble couldn't hurt huh?'

'No,  I love getting into trouble. But not this kind of trouble, this is wrong.... You know my brother and his friends don't allow you to speak with me... So be a good boy and leave me the fuck alone.'

'I didn't mind that they beat the crap out of me, if that's what you're worried about. ' he says.

'You're wrong. I don't give a fuck about what happens with you... ' and I walk faster.

But he grabs my hand. 'Did you get hurt?....Who was it?' he says.

I look down, 'Nothing... it's nothing. .. But please leave me alone, that's the best for both of us...'

'It was Lucius, huh?' A tear is running down my cheek now...'Goddamnit, what an asshole.' he whispers.

' Do you understand now?' I whisper back. 

' I'm sorry.' he says and I push him away and walk to the common room.

But again he  stops me.

' You don't have to stay with this man.' he says.

' Where else should I stay then? With you? ' I ask sarcastic.

'No,' he says with a little smile.'but I know you're his bastard kid. I'm sure that the o'Hare family wants you back. They're actually making plans to free you.'

' How do you know that? ' I ask.

'My family is good friends with them.'

' But even if they free me, I'm not who they think I am.'

'How do you know?' he asks, while he's pushing me to a quiet corner, where nobody sees us, because the students are heading back to their common rooms.

'I am a Slytherin and they tought I would me a Gryffindor, like my mom.' I mumble.

'I'm sure that they don't care about that.' he says.

' You know... I really want to meet them... But Lucius never going to let me...'

' He doesn't have to know it, ' he says with a wink, ' I can ask my father to arrange something so you can meet your grandpa and uncles....'

' You would do that for me?' I ask.

' Of course, you deserve to meet your family and nobody should lock you up in that mansion.' He says.

' George, why are you so nice to me? You're the first Gryffindor that is nice to me even if I'm a Slytherin and Malfoy...What's wrong with you?' I ask him.

He laughs: 'Nothing... Names or houses, that doesn't matter. We're all in the same shit... Uhmm... I mean school of course.'

I laugh, he reminds me of Malcolm and I really want to be friends with him. Even tough Draco wouldn't approve it.

' So do you want to meet your family now?' He asks.

'Yeah, of course, but how are we gonna do it? I mean Draco is going to be always around me, or his friends.... I belong to their  "gang"... Remember?'

'Yeah, that's going to be a problem... but we're going to find a solution. I'm going to ask my father if he can arrange something and then we're going to find something to distract them... Me and my brother we're geniuses, so don't worry about it...'

I roll my eyes, 'What that little boy theat also judges me?'

'No, that's Ron, ...I mean my twin brother, Fred Weasley.' He explains.

'There's another one?'

'Yeah, I have 5 brothers and 1 little sis, but that doesn't matter now... We have to meet again, how about next monday in the library? After homework...'

'Uhm okay ... see you then.' 

'See you then, princess.' He winks and walks away. I go out of the shadows and go back to the common room. Adrian, Marcus and the other guys from our quidditch are sitting on the two big seats.

'Where were you? Draco and the rest are already heading to the great hall... We stayed to wait for you..' Marcus says.

'Uhm... I went for a small walk,  but I was lost... So, yeah...'

'Okay, whatever, the next time you go for a walk, take somebody with you.... Let's go, we're already late...' He says and stands up, the groups follows. 

'Okay, then...' I say and follow them to the great hall for dinner...

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