chapter 17: back home...

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chapter 17: back home

I look at me left arm, there is a sign on it, like a tattoo or a scare. A skull with a snake coming out of his mouth. When I touch it, it dissappears.. ... I lay on the ground, my father rising above me.' You are a Deatheater, Bryanna.' He says. I shake my head, because something is holding me from speaking.'Yes, you are.' He takes his wand out of his cane and points it at me. 'Crucio.' Pain...... I sit down now, my father stands in front of me. And Draco is here too, but he doesn't look at me, his shoes are more interesting apparently.'You are a Deatheater, Bryanna.' My father says again. 'Yes...' I say, but I accually wanted to say no. What is happening? 'Good girl.' my father says, 'Draco.' Draco comes forward and looks me right in the eyes. I swear I could see a tear in the corner of his eye. He takes his wand and before I could say no, he says the cruciatus-curse... ... I lay on the floor, nobody's with me, I look around and finally see the room where I am. It's dark and has a low ceiling, on my right there is a door, a cell door I think. The chair with the chains is standing next to me. I want to stand up, but my legs don't want to contribute. Someone is coming, but before I could see who this someone is, I loose consciousness...

a drop cold water is coming down from my forehead, rolling towards my closed eyelid. I blink with my eyes and the bright sunlight is blinding me for a moment. Then Blinky appears, she's standing on a chair with a wet towel and smiles, I look her in the eyes. 

'Where am I?' I ask her.

'In the study room, but Blinky can't stay, I must go to the master.' And with these words she leaves the room. I look around, the room didn't change much, I sit in the chair in front of Lucius' desk, but outside I see trees with green leaves, a blue sky and the sun that shines. It's summer... or at least spring. But how could that be? It was end November... I stand up to walk to the window, but then Lucius comes inside.

'Sit.' He demands and I do immediatelly what he says. He goes stand behind his desk and lets his cane rest against it. Now that I think about it, the last time I went in here, I was hit by that stupid cane. I look at it for a few moments, but my eyes go back to Lucius. He has a little smile on his face, but his eyes are aware. 

'Don't you dare to run away again. Narcissa was worried about you and Draco failed a few tests because he was afraid that something happened to you.' He says calmly, like he is just a worried father. Somewhere deep in myself, I doubt that. But for some reason, I think he's right and now I feel guilty. 

I look at my hands. 'Sorry, father.' 

'Sorry?!' He shouts. 'I think it's a little too late for that! I wanted to explain it to you, to tell you who these people were... But you were afraid, huh?' I look up, but he doesn't wait for my answer. 'Because someone told you before, you're good-for-nothing grandfather. I had to take precautions, you needed to know where youre loyalty lies.' His head turns red from anger. I look down. 'Where lies your loyalty, Bryanna?'

'With you, father, I swear. It was stupid to go to my grandfather, I see that now.' 

'Why did you go then?'


'And your so-called boyfriend helped you... You stay from now on away from him and that Weasley boy.' 

'How did you...'

'Draco told me, he knew what you were planning to do and told me everything. Too late, but now I know.' 

'How long am I here? And what were these nightmares...'  I ask, he looks angry at me and I think that he doesn't want to answer my question, but he calms down after a while and goes sit in his chair.

'You are probably really confused now, huh...' I nod, he waits and looks me in the eyes. I don''t want to look away, because I see that as a sign of weakness. And I don't want to show him that I'm weak. He  continues his story, without looking away. ' We found you in a cheap hotel in London after that tip of that muggle. You went hysterical when we found you, but you were unconscinous after the Stunning spell. I brought you back home and held you in a sort of coma. I sometimes woke you from it to explain things to you, about the Deatheaters and stuff, you remember them as weird dreams. I explained it to you and you began to understand it, you began to be loyal to me.' 

I nod, so that were that were the nightmares. But was is all real, the pain and that mark on my arm? 

'Why are you so sure that I am a Deatheater?' I ask.

'Well for 2 reasons,' he explains, ' One: you are my daughter and Two: that scar on your left arm.'

'Yeah, it's just a scar, I have it  my whole life...' 

'No, sometimes a skull with a snake appears, that's your Death Mark... Look.' He shows his left arm, there is a faint red mark on it.

'That's not the same, I have a scar, that's a mark.' 

'I know it's weird. It never happened before, but sometimes your mark appears. You will see, after a while...' 

'What do I need to do now?' I ask.

He looks confused at me, like he didn't expect that question. 'I guess, go back to school tomorrow, it are almost finals...'

'Wait a second... What day is it?' 

'May 27.' He says.

'I've been gone for six months?' I say after I count the months in my head.

'Yes, it was necessary... But don't worry, you only have tests on the matter that you have seen.' He says. I don't know what to say for a while, so there's an awkward silence. 

'You can go now, take a bath. Blinky will bring you food on your room. Tomorrow I bring you back to school.' I stand up and turn around, while I try to subtly smell my hair. Did I stink that much? 

I reach the door when my father calls my name: 'Bryanna, there's another thing, your grandfather started a lawsuit against me, for you. He tought that he was your rightfull guardian.' I turn around and there is again a little smile on my fathers face. And again somewhere deep inside me there is a little spark of hope, maybe I can leave this place. But why should I want that, I am loyal to this family, we are bound by blood.... 'And he lost. You can go now.' I sigh, turn around and go to my room. I take a long bath and try to remember what happened that day, after I run away from Oli. I went to my hotel room, start crying, lay on my bed... and then everything turns dark. It's like a big black hole. Then I just remember the dreams and I don't know what's reality and whats just a figment of my imagination. And where is this sudden loyalty for Lucius come from? I ran away because, he was bad, he killed my mother and other family members... But did he? My mother ran away because my grandfather told her so... Lucius isn't the bad guy, he's my father, that wants to protect me... See there is it again. My loyalty for him. I sigh. 

The water is cold when I go back to my bed. There are 2 sanwiches on a plate on it. I take one and look outside the window, the sun is going under and it looks like it's hiding behind the trees. I don't eat my second sandwich and go to bed. I tought that I couldn't sleep after everything that happened, but when I lay my head on the soft cushions, I fell asleep immediatelly.

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