chapter 14: family business

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chapter 14: family business

That week all Gryffindors run away from like they are scared. But some Slytherins ignore me too, like Lévy (not that we talked much before, but she atleast didn't ignore me). I feel bad for what I did, even if it wasn't real. But in the group, on the other hand, I've become more and  more popular. And I also decided to tell Lucius Saturday about me and Adrian, so we can go on the "date".

Saturday morning,  I'm so nervous that I can't even brush my teeth properly. I can't believe that I meet my other family today. But I must be careful, if Lucius find out, I'm dead. Draco comes in without knocking and laughs at my clumsiness. I look annoyed at him.

'Is there something funny?' I ask him.

'Yeah there is actually. Why are you so nervous? Father isn't that bad. Ow, yeah, Adrian is already here, mom is drinking tea  with him in the living room.'

'What? He said that he's going to be here in the afternoon!'

I send Draco away so I can get dressed. I put on a skinny jeans, a shirt and a blazer. First I wanted to wear some sneakers, but I changed my mind and took some heels that are comfy to walk in. Okay, I'm ready.

Downstairs,  in the living room, I find Narcissa and Adrian drinking tea,  like Draco said. I say hi and Narcissa looks from me to Adrian with a curious smile. I nod and her smile grows even bigger. I roll my eyes and smile too. 

'Lucius is away this morning, he comes back around 5 pm.' she says and I look nervous at Adrian.

'Then we tell him the news about us this evening.' Adrian says with a charming smile.' We're going to the city this afternoon.' 

Narcissa smiles and says:' Well, I let you two go then.' She pushes us out the door and I see a car at the fence. 'Have a nice.' She says, while I step into the car. The motor starts and we wave at her. 

'I rent this car and driver for today.' Adrian says, 'We're going immediatelly to the Weasleys. You're grandpa and uncles are already there.'

We're driving for a few hours and arrive at a big house that looks like it can  fall down any minute. I smile because this house looks so lovely and cute. A stout women with red hair comes to us, followed by a man with also red hair and the rest of the Weasley family (George, Fred, .. etc.)

'Uhm, mrs. Weasley, I assume.' I say while I shake the hand of this women. 

'Please, call me Molly and this is my man, Arthur.' I also shake his hand. Adrian also introduces himself.

'And the rest I know already.' I smile at the Weasley kids. Hermione and Harry also come outside and I smile at them too.

'Hermione, sorry I told you that you were a mudblood. I didn't mean it, you are really smart and kind.' I say to her, because I couldn't appologise for what I did during the week. 

She smiles :' It's nothing. I understand it.'

'I told you she is nice.' George says and then we finally go inside the house.

An old  man with grey hair is sitting in a chair and next to him stand two middle-aged men. My uncles and grandfather. The old man smiles and  lines appear in his face: 'Bryanna, you look so much like your mother.' I blush.

'I'm Terentius o'Hare,' the old man introduces himself. 'Your grandfather.' He stands up and walks to me with open arms, I can't hold myself any longer and give him a big and long hug. He laughs softly and kisses the top of my head.  I let him after a long time go and then my uncles give me also a hug and say their names (The one with maroon hair is Hector and the one with black hair is Perces). Yay, I have a cuddling family I think and smile. I like them immediately more then Lucius. We go sit in the chairs and the Weasley, Harry and Hermione leave the room to give us some privacy. Adrian wants to leave to and at the door he turns around and give me a smile that makes me soft inside and then he leaves.

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