chapter 23: guess who's back... back again...

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chapter 23: guess who's back... back again...

the next months, nothing much happens, of course there's the second Challenge ( spoiler: Potter didn't die, dammit), we ( fifth year students) have a lot of homework and we need to study for our O.W.L's and in Snapes lessons I learn how to control it and attack people with it (We went to the forbidden forest to practice). So on a beautiful day of june, I come out of the Great Hall,  just finished my last exam and walk a little with my classmates. This afternoon, it's the last Challenge and we are guessing who's gonna win. A lot of girls think Fleur Delacour is going to win, I doubt that,  she's good in magic and has pretty looks, but that's not going to make her win, I mean, the last Challenge is going to be very dangerous and I don't think she can handle that, of course, I could be wrong. But I'm pretty sure I am right. So I have the same opinion as almost all the boys in Slytherin,  that Victor Krum is going to win the Tournament. Some Slytherins vote for Hogwarts, but only for Cedric Diggory. Nobody really thinks Potter is going to win, he cheated already from the very beginning,  so why would anybody (exept the Gryffindorks) think he would win? I bet he even cheated in the Challenges and shit.
Around 4pm we go to the Quidditch Field, that's now transfromed into a giant maze. I look around and I see Draco, who has one of the best seats. I go sit next to him and say hi to Crabbe, Goyle, Pansy and the rest of his gang.

'Did it start yet?' I ask.

'No,' Draco answers, 'Oh, wait... Yeah, here they come.'

The 4 champions come in and first Diggory and Potter go inside the maze and then the other two. We watch as they try to find the way to the center of the maze, so they can first find the Triwizard Cup. The first one that gives up is (big suprise) Fleur Delacour. She's been attacked by Krum, he's acting weird though, like someone's controlling him. I look at the adults to see if they also see it, but nobody intervenes, I guess it isn't that bad. Krum also attacks Diggory, but Potter saves him and Krum is disqualified. Now it's between Potter and Diggory. From this distance, it looks like they have  struggle, but then they both take the Cup and vanish. They are just ... gone. The students mumble and Dumbledore and other teachers are coming forward. Is this part of the Challenge? When I see the suprised faces of the teachers, I don't think this was meant to happen. Draco leans comfortable backwards. He looks not suprised at all.

'Do you know what's happening, lil' brother?' I ask him when I also lean against the back of my seat. 

'Yeah, didn't father tell you?' 

'No, not really...'

'Oh...' He says and then he leans to my ear and whispers. 'Whatever happens, Make sure you get off the field, before someone sees you.' He looks into my eyes and nod, I nod back, but I understand shit about what he means. What do I need to do?

He looks at the exit of the field, ' With this commotion, nobody will notice you,' He looks again at me. 'go.' 

'But what do I need to do? Where do I need to go?'

'Just go already,' He says louder. I shrug my shoulders and stand up. When I'm outside the tumult is quieter. I walk a little bit away, but someone turns me around.

'Where do you think you're going, miss Malfoy?' Says the cold voice of Snape. 

I shrug my shoulders again. 

'Well, go back.' 

'No, it has something to do with my father.' 

'I know that, but you are not ready, not yet.' He says.

'If my father want me to do this, then I must do it.' Even though, I still don't know what "it" Is.

Before he could say something else, my mark begins to  itch a little, I roll up my sleeves and look at it. Snape also looks at my mark, it moves a little and glows.

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