chapter 25: happy birthday, Bryanna

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chapter 25: happy birthday, Bryanna

We have secret meetings in the library,  me and Adrian, now a month already. He has found a secret closet, big enough for two people. There we talk and, you know, kiss and stuff... On a day, end October,  we are again in our closet. After some snogging,  he gives me a little box wrapped in red paper and a bow.

'A birthday present...' he says.

'But it's not yet my birthday.'

'It's your birthday in three days, Bry,  that's the same thing.'

I smile and open my present. It's a map from Hogwarts that Adrian drew himself. It leads from the common room to a corridor where I never been before.

'Promise me that you will be in that corridor the day after your birthday  around midnight.' he explains.

'But where is it?'

'Just promise me.'

'Okay I promise.'

'Swear it...' He says and raises one eybrow.

I raise one too and say: 'I, Bryanna Charline Malfoy,  promise that I will be in that corridor around midnight, because my silly, secret boyfriend asked me to do that.'

'I love when you call me silly.' he smiles

'And I hate surprises.' I say and frown. he kisses my forehead and leaves the closet in silence.  I leave five minutes after him, so we won't be seen together. I sigh. I love it that we are back together and everytime we are in this closet, I can forget about Voldemort and his plans with me. I know it's not fair for Adrian, that I'm not worth his love. I lied to him, I didn't told him about what I am or that I will be pregnant in less then a month. I look at my watch, six minutes past. I open the hidden door and leave the library.


Friday the 3th of November, my birthday. I am now 17 years old, I'm an adult and I can now learn how to Apparate and stuff. The whole day I get felicitations and from some people, a little present. After homework, I go to my room to put away the presents and find something on my bed, a letter and 2 presents (a little box and a larger one) from my father. I take it and go outside to open it. Pansy holds me up in the common room. 'Hey, Bry, do you want to take a walk with me?'

'Sorry, Pansy, I want to be alone.'

'Okay, good... Take all the time you need.'

I look confused at her, but shrug my shoulders and leave. I go sit on a bench and open the letter.


the little present from is me and Narcissa. I hope you like it. (I open the box and take out a little necklace with a butterfly made of gold and diamonds. I put it on.) The other one is from  D.L. (D.L. stands for Dark Lord) He hopes you are well and can't wait to see you again in the winter break. (I need to vomit)

Yours sincerely. Your father,  Lucius Malfoy.

I take the bigger present and unwrappe it. It's a cute teddybear. If you are a little girl and you get this from your granny,  there is nothing wrong with that.  But I understand the hidden meaning of this present. A teddybear for a little boy or girl. I throw the bear away and hide my face in both my hands. Try not to cry,  Bryanna, be strong. A hand touches my shoulder, it's Draco. He smiles, ' It's getting a little chilly, maybe you need to come back inside.' I try to smile back. He looks at the teddybear now. 'Is that from... him?' I nod. 'Hey, cheer up. It's your birthday. Everything is going to be alright... Are you coming back?'

'Yeah, just give me a second.'

He takes the bear with him and leaves me alone. I touch my butterfly necklace and wonder why my father let this happen? I mean a father always says that his daughter may not be pregnant at such a young age... Does Voldemort has so much influence on him? I stand up and go back to the common room.

It's too quiet in it and that's not normal at this time. Oh, no, not a suprise party....

'SURPRISE!!!' shit... I put on a fake smile, and I get hugs from everywhere. In the middle of the common room, there's a table with butterbeer and a cake. I take a bottle and some girls take a piece of the cake. Some boys are playing music (it's kinda pop-rock).

Draco comes to me: 'What do you think, sis?'

'Did you organise this?' he nods. 'Thank you, bro. But you didn't have to.'

'It was an idea from our father, he's worried, you know.' And then he takes my hand and pulls me to the dancefloor.


I help Draco with cleaning the paper of my presents, everyone is going to sleep, all exhausted from the party.

'You can go to sleep, Bry.' he says, 'The house-elves will clean it up.'

'I want to ask you something,  Draco.' I say, he looks up. 'Father... Did he say something to you about... you know.'

'Bryanna, he really doesn't want it. But if He wants something, then that will happen. Sorry.'

I shrug my shoulders. 'You can't stop Him, huh?'


'Maybe I shouldn't react like that before,  I was mad at father and he couldn't do anything about it.' I say, more to myself than to Draco.  'I'm going to sleep, goodnight.'

'Goodnight.' he answers.

But in my room, where Lévy is already in a deep sleep, I take a pen and paper.

Thank you for the beautiful present.  I really love it.
And thank D.L. for the gift, it's cute. I hope all his plans go well and that we soon will meet again.

Your daughter,  Bryanna Malfoy.

I will send it tomorrow.

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