chapter 6: an unexpected journey

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chapter 6: an unexpected

Eventually I forgive Draco, he told all the terrible things his father did to him... And I understand his reaction a little bit beter, he hates the Weasleys and he don't want me to be with them. I also told him my story about George Weasley and I clarify that I'm not interested  in that boy. I start to like him as a brother and our band gets stronger when he starts to teach me magic. Sure, it isn't as strong as my band with Jayden (God, I miss him so much), but it's a start. With Narcissa, I get also good along. And Lucius isn't much home, he always has to go away for his job, but when he's home, he tries to be a good father. At least, he doesn't hit me anymore. So my summer vacation passes by, while I learn potions, charms, transifugaration, etc... I'm actually very good at it and Draco learns me sometimes more difficult stuff. On sunday; I'm free, but I'm not allowed to leave the mansion and when Draco goes away to see his friends, I wander through the house, read books, I go for a walk in the garden or play on the instruments in the music room. I'm starting to play the piano.

The last week, Draco repeats everything he taught me and, when we're done, he says that I'm ready for our fathers "test".

'Hey, because we're done, I've got a suprise.' He says with a mysterious smile. 


He don't answers me and walks away. I follow him until we're outside. Narcissa is standing next to the carriage and I'm staring at her.

'Are we going away?' I ask Draco, who's heading to it. Again he don't answers my question. He helps me in the carriage and I'm starting to feel exited and nervous at the same time. 

'Do I have permission to leave the mansion?' I ask Narcissa, she nods. 

'And where are we going?' 

'That's the suprise, sis. Oh, and here.' He gives me my cell phone. I look confused at him. He knows that I may not have it.

'Take it now, father gave it to me, when I said that you learning really fast.' I take it and start it up  immediately.  20 missed calls, 18 voicemail messages and 54 messages. Some of them are from Felicia and mom, but most of them are from Malcolm. When I think back of him, I start to get tears in my eyes. He was, and still is, my best friend. I grew up with him and he was allways there for me. When I fell on the ground when I was just a little kid, when someone bullied me, when my heart was broken and when my dad died... I start to read his messages: 

-Bry where are you ??

-You mother told you, you were with family. Why  don't you call back?? Please answer me...

-Bry, did I do something wrong, I miss you, Bry... Call me. 

... and this goes on... 

I cal voicemail and listen to one of his messages: 

'Bry, if I did something wrong, please tell me what, I'm sorry... Bry I really miss you, I... I love you, Bry... You are my best friend... Please call me back'

A tear is running down my face. 

'Sweetheart, are you alright?' Asks Narcissa and she wipes the tear away.

'Yes, I just red the messages of my best friend and I... I miss him. Can I call him when we arrive?' 

'Of course you can, darling.' She smiles at me. The rest of the ride, I red my messages and talk with Draco and Narcissa. I explain to them what a cellphone is and what you can do on it, but they still think an owl is better... When I'm ask oneself where we are, the carriage stops. I get out and I'm blowed away by the Eiffel Tower. Oh my.... Where in goddamn Paris. 

'Suprise, sister. you're going shopping with mom and after that we are going to explore the city.' He says.

'Are you not coming with us?' I ask grinning.

'No, I'm going to wait in a bar. Shopping isn't really my thing.' He says. Before we leave, I want to call Malcolm, but he doesn't answer his phone...

We leave Draco and go to the Champs Elysees. I see the price of all the designer clothes, I'm shocked. I'm not used to buy such expensive clothes, but Narcissa says that money isn't a problem. 'You're rich now, you can wear expensive clothes.' Even after she said this, I still take the cheapest pieces, but Narcissa notices it and drags me into the Coco Chanel shop.

'You need a bag for school...' She says.

'Yeah, but a Chanel? Does it has to be one?' 

'Yes, of course.' She says while she's looking at a few bags.

I see a kind of backpack. Well, if it's gonna be for school... I call Narcissa.

'What do you think of this one?' I ask. 

'He's beautiful , Let's take it...' She says. I look at the price and moan. She clacks with her tongue, takes the bag and goes to the pay desk. 

The rest of the day I spent with Draco. We go see the Louvre, the Eiffel Tower and the Notre Dame. He tries to speak French, but fails in it. While I can speak it almost fluent. (They speak also French were I used to live, Belgium.) So I leanr him a few words,  At the end of the day we go to a tremendous hotel. After supper, I fall immediately asleep in my room, so tired am I...


The next day we head back home. I see the trees pass and after a few hours, I start to recognise where we are. This road, the houses,...  Wait a sec...

'Are we making a detour, because I think we're in Belgium.' I say and then I see that we ride into my old town. I look from Draco to his mother and back... 

'It was his idea.' Narcissa smiles at me. When she says that, we're stopping in front of my home. I jump out the carriage and run to the door. My mom opens right away and we're hugging each other for a long time... Tears are streaming down our faces. Then Jay comes outside and I lift him up. 

'I missed you so much, Jay.' 

'Bry, don't cry, you're here now.' Jay says and I laugh. 

Mom leads me, Draco and Narcissa inside and makes coffee. I see that's she forces herself to be polite against Draco and Narcissa, I smile a her. She still thinks that they are evil...We talk about everything that happened (my new home and my magical education...) and I'm so happy to see them again. But I see that there's something wrong with mom. When it's time to go, I stay a little longer while Draco and Narcissa are already going to the carriage.

'What's wrong, mom? ' I whisper.

'I can't say much, but I know that your family is making plans to free you from the Malfoys. '

' What? But they're not that bad... except Lucius,  he scares me somtimes... But he also tries to be good and to teach me some magical things...'

' Bry, they ARE bad... But you have to go now, I hope I see you soon.' I give her a hug.

'Say hi to Malcolm from me..'

'I will do that, Bry.'

'love you, mom'

'love you too, sweetie.'

Then I give Jay a long hug.

'Do you have to go away,  Bry. .. 'he asks.

'Yes, I'm sorry,  Jay, but I will come back soon. I promise.' I give him a hundred of kisses and he turns away.

'Eew, I'm infected with Bryanna slime. ..' he says with a funny face and I laugh and hug him one last time. Then I turn around and go inside the carriage. A tear is rolling down my cheeks while I'm waving goodbye....

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