chapter 19: not myself

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chapter 19: not myself

The first month of the new school year, I could avoid Adrian. But in October when the other schools (the Beauxbattons and Durmstorms) arrived for the Triwizard Tournament,   he holds me up in the corridor when I go to the Great Hall for dinner.

'Why are you avoiding me? Bry, what's going on?'

'Adrian, I wanted to tell you earlier.  I think it's better that we don't see each other again.'

'Are you dumping me?' He says a little too loud. Some students are standing still and looking at us. I see Lévy,  she looks at me with compassion in her eyes. I think I imagined it, she doesn't know me that well to feel sorry for me.

'Can we discuss this somewhere private.' I say with a shameful blush on my cheeks.

'Yeah, whatever.' Adrian say irrated but softer so the rest doesn't hear it, 'tomorrow in the library after homework.' He turns around and walks away angrily. 

I feel bad for him, he doesn't deserve me. I'm the worst girlfriend in the whole universe. I don't eat my dessert and go back to my dormroom, that I still share with Lévy. I go sit on my bed and make some homework, when she also comes in. It's normal that she isn't in the common room,  because she doesn't really has friends, she's kind of a weird loner.

'Hey, how are you?' She asks and I look surprised up. Well,  that's the first time she's nice to me...

'uhm... alright,  I guess.'

'Are you going to break up with Adrian?'

'None of your business.'

'Well, okay... uhm I don't know how to say this, but your grandfather asked me to...'

'How do you know my grandfather? ' I ask her.

'Well, we're are family, but really far...'

'No, we aren't,  I have nothing to do with these people. He's not my grandfather anymore.'

'Bry, what happened to you in those months that you were gone? You wanted to run away from them, you said it in a letter to Terentius.'

'That was a mistake.  They are not my family. And how do you know about that? ' I say mad. How dares this bitch say such things.


'I had enough of you.' And then I walk away to the the room of professor Snape. I knock and cold voice says "yes."

I go inside, Snape is sitting behind his desk.

'Proffesor, I want to ask you if I can change rooms with somebody?'

'And why?'

'Lévy is irrating me...'

'No, you just have to deal with it, miss Malfoy.' he says with a little smile.

'But...' I don't know what to say, Draco would probably say: "my father will hear about this." But I don't want to sound like daddy's little girl.

'Besides,' Snape continues, 'I think you have bigger issues now.' He's right, why should I worry about such a dumb thing.

'Sorry, Proffesor.  I didn't thought about it, I was angry and...'

'It's alright, miss Malfoy. You dont have to apologise to me. And you didn't come here for nothing, I wanted to talk to you about your lessons.' He takes a letter out if a drawer and reads it again. 'They're going to start after the holidays. I need to figure out first what a Half-Nymph can do. You can go now.'

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