epilogue (final)

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epilogue (final)

*3th person P.O.V.*

Adrian burst out in tears on the floor, the letter slips through his fingers. He looks a few minutes confused at it, but takes it and looks at the back of the letter, there's something written on it in the beautiful handwriting of Bryanna.

For my son and daughter, Adrian Terentius Malfoy and Hebe Paige Malfoy.

'She called her son after me.' He thinks and whipes away his tears. 'I need to be strong... For her...'

'I'm going to miss you so much, Bry.' He says again, 'But I will take care of your two children, like they are my own. I promise.' He goes sit in a large seat and thinks about his next step. He need to get the kids and himself save, but he can't just leave the mansion. He made that one day an unbreakable vow with Voldemort, he's now one of his servants. Even if it's not his own choice, he need to do what he says. Adrian never told that to Bryanna, she had already enough stress with the pregnancy. He plays with a button of his shirt, trying not to cry again. She was his one true love... He will always love her. 'Maybe, Voldemort is going to loose this war... But I can't hope for that... Or I could ask him to raise the children, together with the Malfoys, so I can raise them right...' A knock on the door interrupts his thoughts. Draco comes in with the little boy, who's wrapped in light-blue blankets.

'Do you know the name of the babies?' He asks Adrian. 'Maybe she told you.'

'Adrian Malfoy and Hebe Malfoy.' He answers, looking at his shoes.

'She called him after you.' Draco asks suprisingly.

'Yes,' Adrian says proud, 'Can I talk to your mother, Draco?'

'No, she's busy...' He says.

'Good, I can wait, but we need to talk. Bryanna told me to raise them, I want to be their father.' He says, 'It was her last wish.' And then, Adrian stands up and takes the baby from Draco. Draco first didn't want to give it, but Adrian is 2 feet higher then him and is 10 times stronger, so he hands the baby over.

'Can you leave me alone, please.' Adrian asks polite, Draco nods and closes the door behind him. Adrian goes to the bed and falls asleep with the sleeping baby on his chest, safe in his strong arms.

***2 years later, the Hogwarts battle***

Adrian looks at Hagrid who's holding Harry Potter, or better Harry's dead body. he looks down at his shoes, actually he hoped that Voldemort would lose. Now he must find another way to rescue the children. He and the other Deatheaters are standing still, Adrian stands in the back. 'Maybe I can escape...' Voldemort didn't really pay any attention at him since the battle started, he was "usefull" when he still went to Hogwarts, but now the battle's started, Adrian wasn't really helping and Voldemort only wants to kill Potter. Adrian also doesn't want to fight his old friends, he was planning to fight against Voldemort, but that would mean his death (because of the unbreakable vow), so he stays a little behind, and lets the other do the fighting. Voldemort begins a speech where he asks the students and teachers to surrender, no one moves. Unless one boy, it's Longbottom. Adrian tries to listen to what Longbottom has to say, but he thinks more about a plan to escape, to take the children somewhere safe, maybe some hiding place from the Order... Lucius accepted the fact that I want to be his father, because Narcissa also heard Bry's last words and she demanded him to let him be part of their education. Not that he had much to say about them, Lucius tried to keep the twins away from him, because he wasn't "family". Voldemort, on the other hand, isn't interested in them when they are just toddlers, he wants them when they're adult Halph-Nymphs... Adrian is so concentrated on finding a plan to free him and the twins, that he first doesn't notice that the fight has restarted. Until people around him are running away or running toward the students, and then he notices Potter and Voldemort running away together, the fight is not over yet, Potter is alive. A smile appears on Adrian's face and he slowly walks to the castle, until he feels a kind of relief, like he's set free or something. In the castle the fight goes on, but the Malfoys are nowhere to be found. He almost bumps into George who's pointing his wand at him, Adrian puts his own wand in his pocket and walks away with his hands in the air.

'I don't want to fight anymore...' Adrian says to the ginger boy, 'I never wanted to fight...'

'Why are you a Death Eater, than?' I can see your mark, don't deny it.' George says with hate in his voice.

'I became one for Bry, she was pregnant you see and had to be one of his Death Eaters. I wanted to protect her, but he demanded an unbreakable vow, so if I fight against him, I'll die...'

George lowers his wand, he's still not sure if he should trust him. 'Try to stay behind... When it's over we can talk.' George says.

*** 1 hour later ***

Harry Potter walks into the great hall, he's alive and goes to his friends. Adrian stands a little behind them, leaning against the wall. He's being carefully watched by George Weasley, who's still doesn't really trust him. But eventually, he gives him a chance to explain it all. He walks towards Adrian together with his father.

'So now I just need a place to stay for me and the two kids...' Adrian ends his explanation.

'I didn't know she was in so much trouble.' George says with disbelief.

'You can stay in grimauld for a while, but you need to find a place for yourself...' Arthur Weasley, George's father, says.

'Yes, of course. I'm going to study...'

'Good, come to our house when you have your kids.' Arthur says.

'They are actually not my kids.'

'You love those children like they are yours, that makes you more their father than Voldemort will ever be.'

'Thank you, sir.'

And with a big smile from ear to ear, Adrian leaves the school with a broom he borrowed, he goes to Malfoy Manor, to his kids.

The end


I think I'm going to write a sequel, but maybe in a few months.

Thank you all who red my story (or commented or voted) it really means a lot to me. And thanks J.K. Rowling, for inspiring me and for writing 'Harry Potter'. You brought a little bit more magic to this world ♥♥

Xoxo me ^-^

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