chapter 3: an elucidative dinner

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Chapter 3: a elucidative dinner

'Blinky, can you leave me alone for a sec?' I ask the little elf. She looks at me with pity in her eyes. Then she turns around and leaves. I'm going to lie on the bed and the tears are coming back again. What do I do now? Shit and i didn't take my phone with me, I should have brought it. Then I could call Malcolm. That guy is a genius with cellphones and stuff like that. He could track it and then he could free me from this family.  Well, maybe if I play along, Lucius gives it back... 

I stand up and go to my closet, to see if there is something more comfortable. Are they fucking kidding me? There are only three dresses in it and 2 pair of high heels. Oh, yeah, they can kidnap me, but giving me some comfy clothes, that's too difficult. I take my heels off and put them wtih the rest. I go to the bathroom and take a long shower. While I let my hair dry, I'm looking in the various drawers of the dress table. There is some nailpolish in one and I start to polish my nails. When my hair and nails are dry, I put the black dress back on and take some shorter heels. And  I wait in the old chair until Blinky comes to get me. 

But when I hear a knock on the door, it's not Blinky that's there, but Draco.

I look annoyed at him, 'Where is Blinky?'

'She has to help in the kitchen. Are you ready?' he says.

'Yes, let's go,' I mumble while I stand up and walk to him. In the hallway, he takes my arm. I'm actually happy with it, because I would not be able to walk down the stairs with those heels. I smile at him and his lips form also a little smile. 

We arrive in a great dining room. How didn't I realize this before, these people are super rich. I look at the beautiful portraits and the magnificent chandeliers. 

A women walks to us. She's very beautiful for an older women and she exudes wealth. 

'Hi, Bryanna, I'm Narcissa Malfoy. You're new stepmother.' She smiles at me.

'Hello, ma'am.' I force myself to smile back. 

The women leads us to a giant table. She points at the seat in front of hers and I'm gonna sit there, Draco is going to sit next to me.

'So, do you feel any better, honey? I heard you didn't take the news well...' She aks me.

'Uhm yes, ma'am.' 

'Please, call me Narcissa. You know, sweetie, we only want the best for you, that's why we brought you here. We don't want you as a prisoner or something like that. ...' Narcissa says.... I'm starting to like this women, she's the only one in this house that didn't make me cry or shouts at me. Beside Blinky... But then she's my 'servant', so I guess she has no choice.

She talks about the house and all the different rooms, when Lucius comes in. My heart stands still for a moment. He looks at me with a forced smile when he goes to the table, and I smile back, also forced  look, a family trait. He just sits, when the elves are coming with the dishes. I immediately want to sink throught the floor. There are 4 different forks and knives, and 3 different spoons. How am I gonna eat  all this shit without making a fool of myself? Just imitate Draco and Narcissa, stay calm, Bry....

'Bryanna, dear, tell us something about yourself. I want to know my daughter a little better, before I leave again...' Lucius says. Yay, now he's gonna also ask questions to make this even more difficult.

'Well... Uhm... I dance... with a crew after school. And... I play the guitare...' I could slap myself in the face now. Was it impossible for me to make proper senteces when I found myself in an embarrassing situation? This happens all the time.

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