chapter 24: my third summer with the Malfoys

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chapter 24: my third summer with the Malfoys

I am not sure what's going to happen now, but of one thing I am sure. I'm not going to have a baby at the age of 17. There is no way in hell that that is going to happen. And so the next day, When Voldemort is gone, I talk to my father.

'Father?' I begin.

'Nothing is going to change His mind.' He says, because he probably knew why I wanted to talk.

'But... I can't have a baby. I can't even take care of a goldfish...'

'We can raise it. You just need to deliver it.'

'But are you serious?  What am I... A baby factory?'

'Bryanna, please...' He begins to loose his patience.

'No, no... I don't want a child from that... from that monster.' He slaps me in the face, but I don't shut up. 'You have to do something, father.'

'I can't do something. ' he takes my face in on hand. 'Now go to your room, I don't want to see you again today.'


That vacation, I am not allowed to leave the house. The second time I see Voldemort, I need to demonstrate my powers and then he leaves. I don't go to any other meetings with the Death Eaters. I spent my days in my room, the library and the music room, where I create my own melody. It starts with a few notes and now I almost have a song. On a rainy dag in August, Draco comes in (he knows about the baby and even he thinks that it's kind of gross, he says that I need to do what father says...). I let him listen to my song. I play it first on my guitare and then on the piano. He thinks it's more beautiful on the piano.

'You need to write the notes down.' He says.


'Because it's beautiful.  And then, other people can learn it too.' He says. I sigh, but take a piece of paper and begin to write it down. When I'm done I take it to my room and keep it save in one of my drawers. I go back to the music room, humming the melody of my song.

We don't talk again about my baby until the last day, when we are going to platform 9 3/4. Lucius says that it's going to happen the 20th of December. we say goodbye and the train starts. I go sit in one of the last cabins, alone. I don't really want to see anybody now, not after I heard the day when my life is going to end. But somebody finds me, and it's the one and only Adrian Pucey. He close the door behind him and go sit in front of me.

'What do you want?' I ask and look outside.

'You didn't answer my letters.'

'My father red all my letters first,  so he probably burned yours.'

'Okay, I tell you now. I love you,  I've never stopped loving you, Bryanna.'

I roll my eyes, 'Well, you covered that well.'

'I was pissed... But, Bry, please give me another chance.' he begs.

'My father doesn't allow it...'

'... Screw him...'

'...Adrian,  you were the first boy I've ever loved, and I think I still love you. But I can't, because that means you are going to die.' I push my rears away.

'You don't really think your father is going to kill me.'

'My father not...'


'You don't know?' I frown my eyebrows. 'Voldemort...'

'Don't say his name. And he isn't back... You don't believe Potter, right?'

I look confused at him. So nobody knows he's back...

He sees my confusion, his mouth opens and he looks shocked at me, 'He... He's back?' Adrian whispers. I swallow,  maybe it's better not to tell him... But too late, he still looks shocked, but he is convinced that Voldemort is back. So I nod.

'Was he in your house?' he asks. I swallow and nod again.

'Did he do anything to you?' he asks with hate in his eyes.

'Not yet...' I whisper. 'But I need to follow him. I'm one of his Deatheaters. So if I don't play along he's going to kill me.' a tear runs down my cheek. Adrian whipes it away. 'Bry, don't worry. I'm going to protect you.' 

I begin to laugh, 'Yeah of course, with which army?'

'You still can run away. To your grandfather.'

'Don't talk about him. And besides, I can't leave,  I am loyal to my father.'

'We need to talk about this... come to the library in October. We may not show your brother about us.'

'Adrian, we are not back together.'

'Oh yes, we are. And I'm going to protect you. Even it that means I'm going to die.' he kisses my forehead and leaves.


I'm going to update more, but sometimes shorter chapters, sorry.

And I have reach 1 K reads, omfg what is happening?  Thank you all for reading my story ^-^ xoxo 

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