chapter 12: tutoring

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chapter 12: tutoring

I look at Snape who's explainig something about a potion or something like that, but I'm not paying attention.  I'm thinking about a plan for meeting my family. George already passed me a note at the beginning of the class. His father agrees and is going to make plans with my family. Now we only need to find a way to get to them, without that Draco knows about it. That's really going to be difficult. I belong to their gang, I eat with them, hang out with them and, after being "lost", I always be around one of them... it's often Adrian or Terence. ..  Pansy and Daphne are trying to get me on a date with Adrian,  even when I told them a hundred times that I'm not interested. And I think that he is on their side because he always sits next to me in class, he explains me things in class and I have to admit, he's not bad looking, but I only know him for 3 months.... And I start to fucking like him, but how can you fall in love with somebody when you don't even know him?

'Miss Malfoy!' Snapes shouts. Fuck...

'Yes, sir?'

'I asked you a question, but it seems that you don't want to pay any attention in my class.' he says angry,  ' you missed 3 years, miss Malfoy, and I think that potions isn't one of your best classes. I think you could get some extra classes. After study, you stay here until dinner.'

I sigh... Fuck, I wanted to read in that book about my family...

'Don't look so sad, miss Malfoy, someone is going to stay here with you... mister Pucey,  you are one of the best in potions, you're helping her.'

It's a set-up, I'm sure Pansy is after this... I think...

'Of course, sir.' he says.

' Now, let's continue...' Snape says. I sigh again.

' Do you understand it?' Adrian whispers.

' Yes, I just was thinking about some stuff...' I answer. We're starting to make the potion and mine isn't good, but it isn't bad either...


I let my backpack fall on the chair next to me and I wait until Adrian comes in. I take out my cell phone and play some games on it, but I'm actually not allowed to use it. Like I give a fuck, I wasn't allowed to use it on my other school either. I still did it tough. The door opens and I put it back in my backpack. Adrian comes in.

We start with going through the stuff that we already learned and then he explains me some things that I don't understand. We are early done and he helps me with cleaning up our table.

'I know it.' he says suddenly.

'What do you know?' I ask.

'About your little plan with Weasley.' He says.

I let my book fall, 'How do you...'

'My father works on the same department as your uncles... They told him something about their little cousin. And then I heard that you are Lucius Malfoys bastard daughter. So I figured it out that you are the lost girl from the o'Hare family... And well, I saw you and Wealsey passing notes ... It wasn't hard to find out what's happening... You want to meet your family,  but the Malfoys wouldn't let you, so Weasley helps.. ' He explains.

'Did you say something to Draco about me and...'

'No, don't worry about that. You're secret is safe with me.' he says, ' but you and Weasley, it's nothing more...'

'What do you mean?' I say with a little smile.

'You know... Do you love him?' he asks and looks down at his shoes.

'Adrian Pucey,  are you jealous?' I say...

'Well...' he looks up.

'Hmm...' I look into his eyes.

' Yes...' he says softly. I laugh, that's so cute... his hand goes to my face, softly touching my cheeks, going down to my chin. He slowly moves forward and closes his eyes. I close mine too and then our lips touch eachother. First soft, but then I put my arms around his neck and we're kissing for a few minutes. He let me go and I gasp for air. He smiles and I smile back.

'Do you want to go on a date with me?' he asks, 'Saturday evening,  in Hogsmead.'

I nod, he gives me a little kiss on my cheek and leaves the room. I stay a little longer, staring and smiling at my desk, like a stupid idiot in love...

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