chapter 29: energy boost

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chapter 29: energy boost

I write down the new lyrics I found yesterday evening and then I go to the library.  I feel extremely good today, energetic and full of life. I find Adrian in the library.

'Good morning. ' I say with a happy smile.

he smiles too. It's funny, we are in a life-threatening situation,  but we can still smile and sing and enjoy the little things.

'I want to go outside,  are you coming with me?' I ask he and he nods. We walk for a few minutes, I tell him about the new lyrics, my good mood... till Narcissa is coming to us, she looks kind of annoyed.

'Good morning,  Narcissa.  what a beautiful day, isn't it?'

'What are you doing outside? '

'I have an energy boost,  I don't know.  But I feel great. Maybe we can go to that little town,  not far from here.  I'm kind of sick to see the same scenery all the time.' I say and Adrian laughs, but Narcissa looks angry.

'In your condition?  Are you mad?' She shouts hysterical.

'Nope...' I smile and Adrian tries really hard not to laugh anymore.

'Well, you can go.' She says.

'Really?' I ask to be sure.

'Yeah, so we can see if mister Pucey is trustable. But don't stay away long.'

I nod and together we go to the little town.

First, we drink something, Adrian tells me about Umbridge,  who becomes a real dictator of Hogwarts, but not to Slytherins.  Dumbledore is gone, nobody knows where he is. But he also tells me some funny things that the Weasley twins did. We pay for our drinks and walk a little in silence,  untill I see the house of Thérèse, The woman that gave her life for me, a girl she just met.

'Adrian, do you think there is a graveyard?'

'Yeah, I think I saw one, not far from here.'

'I want to go.' And so we turn around. I walk past the various graves and we walk for several minutes when I found her grave.

Thérèse Lebeau 1928-1994

Always in our heart.

A tear runs down my cheek.

'Did you knew her?' Adrian asks.

I nod and tell him about the woman that died for me, about her kindness and bravery. He gives me a hug and then we go back.

We seperate when my father comes to me, he wants to talk. We go to his study room, he gives me a glass of water and he takes a glass of red wine.

'You feel good today.'

'Yes.' I say, even if it wasn't a question.

'Well, you didn't take your potion yesterday.'

'Is that why I feel so good?'

He nods 'I told it to the Dark Lord. Now he wants to double it.'

'But it was an accident...' I protest,  'Now I'm going to be more tired.'

'Here, today you going to drink two bottles, ' my father says, totally ignoring my protests.

I look mad at him, but drink the two bottles.

'Good girl, sorry but you're children need it. Are you tired?'

I nod, because the potion always makes me tired.

'Go back to bed and try to sleep...'

I nod and go to my room.

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