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Narcissa was sitting in the living room when draco came in. He saw his mother staring at a letter that she held in her two hands.

'Mother,  are you alright?' he asked worried.

'Oh, yes dear. Just go  call your father. I need to  talk to him.' she answered her son.

draco left the room and came back with his father.

When Lucius Malfoy saw his wife with the letter he demanded Draco to go to his room. The boy left with a long face. 

'What's wrong, Narcissa.  I've never seen you like this before'

'They know it, Lucius. HE knows it.' Narcissa said.

Lucius sat next to his wife. how could they know? was the question thet runs trough his mind.

Narcissa reached him the letter and he started to read it.

'How could they want this from me?? i can't just bring her here and teach her everything?  that's impossible,  she has missed the three firts years. And still, I don't even know where she is and don't even know her name!' he complained to his wife.

She didn't say anything.  A long sigh left his lips.

'Her mother's family hid her well.' Lucius said.

'We should find her and let her live with us. It's the only choice we have.' Narcissa said after a long silence.

'And how would you do that?' Lucius asked irritated.

'Look at the other side of the letter, there is an address. Probably the one where her family hid your daughter.'

then a loud noise came from the door. it was draco who heard the whole conversation.

'daughter ?' he asked looking at his parents.

'Uhm...' was Narcissa's answer.

'well, son, there's something I must tell you,' Lucius said, 'once, before your mother and I were married, I had a flirt with another girl and she was pregnant of me. But she ran away with the baby and her family hid the baby somewhere where I would never find her. The only thing I know is that it's a girl.'  Lucius explained to his son.

'So I have a sister? '

'Yes, son, and she's probably very important if He really wants her.'

'Then we must go and get her.' Draco said.

'Yes, son, I think were going to make a little trip to the muggle world' Lucius said resolute.

Sorry for the really, really short prologue. I'm gonna try to make the first chapter a little bit longer. xoxo

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