chapter 5: flirts and a lot of bruises

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chapter 5: flirts and a lot of bruises

The cafe is little, cozy and full of teenagers. I hear screams and laughs all around me. Pansy and Daphne lead me to the corner of the cafe, where two large tables are shoved together. There are a lot of people at the table. Draco walks past me and shakes hands with some other guys.

'Flint, that's a long time since I've seen you. Where have you been?' He says to a boy with black hair.

'That's our quidditch team, and Marcus Flint is the captain.' whispers Daphne in my ear. I look at the other guys next to Flint. ' And this is my lil sis, Astoria.' I shake the hand of a little girl with brown hair. 'And this is Millicent Blustrode and Tracey Davis.' I smile at the girls and shake also their hands.

'Hi, I'm Bry, Draco's sister.'

'Draco has a sister?' asks Millicent.

'Apparently.' I smile.

'So you're Draco's lil sis?' says Flint, and now I see his weird teeth. what the fuck happened to it?

'Big sis,' I correct him, 'I'm short for my age.' I'm going to sit between Daphne and Draco. Right in front of Flint and his mates.

'How old are you then?' He asks . '15' I answer.

'Then you're in mine and Adrian's class, next year' Says the boy next to Flint . 'I'm Terrence Higs, and that loner over there is Adrian Pucey.' He points at a boy that sits on the other side of the table, he pays not attention to the rest. When he hears his name, he looks up and gives me a little smile. I smile back, but he already looked away.

We talk for a long time, but then I need to go to the restroom. 'You're going through that door, and then there's a long hall, it's at the end of that hall on your left.' Pansy explains.

'Thank you. I'm right back.''

I push myself through the crowd, whispering sorry when I step accidently on someones foot. When I close the door behind me, I take a deep breath. It's really busy in there . I'm glad that I'm alone for a while. I walk further without paying attention on the hallway. I'm thinking about all the new people I met today. Some of them seem nice... Just when I look up, I bump into another ginger boy, but this one is a lot taller.

'You have to pay attention, beautiful. You could hurt yourself...' He smiles at me .

'I'm sorry.' I look up on him.

'It's nothing, princess.' He let me pass and I walk further.

'Hey, princess, are you not the new slytherin girl?' I turn around and look at him with an annoyed face. Yay, another judgement from another ginger boy.

'I'm George Weasley and you are?' He asks with a little smile. Ecxcuse me, another judgment from another Weasley.

' Bry' I say not mention my new last name.

'Bry....' he waits until I complete his sentence.

'I think that my firts name is enough...'

'Hard-to-get, huh? Doesn't matter, I like a challenge. ' He says with a smile while he walks back to me.

'I'm not sure, but are you now flirting with me?' I ask him also with a smile.

'Oh, was it that obvious, damnit...' he says with a frown. I laugh.

'Did it work ?' He asks. I roll my eyes. 'You wish...'

He gives me a big smile: 'Well, I can always try.' He wipes a lock of my hair out of my face and I blush. But then I think of Draco and the other Weasley boy. ... I have to stop this. ..

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