chapter 27: 20th of December

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chapter 27: 20th of December

I wish this day never came. Tonight is a meeting with other Deatheaters and than he's going to... I can't think of it, it's just too horrible. Draco tries to make me happy and to start a conversation about everything except pregnancy and babies, but most of the day I wander around the house, depressed and sad. Lucius avoids me, probably because he feels guilty, well he should feel guilty.  Narcissa is the only one that really prepares me for what's coming. She comforts me and says that I will feel nothing,  it won't hurt. She assures me that I must not raise it alone,  she's going to help me.

I sigh, the day goes too fast and at dinner time, we're sitting around the table with Voldemort at the head of the table. I don't look at him the whole time until we're finished and Draco, Narcissa and a few Deatheaters need to go away.

'Bryanna,' Voldemort says and I swallow, 'Look me in the eyes, I want to be sure...' Sure? Sure about what?  And then he laughs and moves his hand. Lucius and another Deatheater (I think the father of Goyle) stands up,  they come to me and I also stand up. They escorte me to the door.

'See you tomorrow,  Bryanna.' Voldemort says before I leave the room. Instead of bringing me to my room, we go to one of the guest rooms. I go sit on the bed.

'Bryanna, 'My father says. 'Drink this please.' He takes a small bottle out of his pocket with a purple liquid.

'What is it?' I ask when he gaves it to me.

'Just drink it, and everything is going to be alright,  okay?'

Tears are coming, I feel it. 'Dad..' I say, or more whisper.

'Leave us alone.' He says to the other man.

'Whatever you want, Lucius.  But make sure she drinks it.' Says the man and then he leaves.

'Bryanna, look at me.' I look up, tears are running down my face now. 'He won't hurt you, okay. And when the child is born you don't need to raise it, you don't have to be the mother, Narcissa can be it.'

I begin to cry,  for the first time in months.  'Dad, I'm afraid.'

'I know it, sweetie.' He says with a soft voice. 'Just drink it and everything is going to be fine.' I open the bottle and drink it up. My head feels empty and dizzy. I think I'm going to faint. My father holds me in his arms, I think this is our first hug, even though I feel like I'm wasted. The door opens, but I don't really see who comes in.

'You can leave her to me, ' A cold voice says, I know who's voice this is, I just can't find his name. 'I don't think you want to see this, Lucius.'

My father stands up and I almost fall down, but then other hands hold me. Cold hands. A door opens and closes again.

'Go lay on the bed, Bryanna.' The cold voice says. I do what it said and close my eyes. Everything turns dark.


I run to my bathroom, but too late, I vomit on the carpet. 'Fuck.' I whisper. I go back laying on my bed. My belly hurts like hell, it's like a knife that always strikes. Narcisse comes in and looks worried at me.

'Is it normal?' I ask her. 'This baby is two weeks old and hurts like hell already.'

She shakes her head, 'That's why there's coming a doctor, today.'

I wait in my room, not capable to move because of the pain. Narcissa stays with me and let her hands go through my hair.

'Am I allowed to see a doctor from the father?' I ask her.

'No, but he's not here now. Your father is against it, but I win mostly in our fights, so that doctor is coming.'

'What if he finds out?' I ask her.

'He won't, don't worry.'

A few minutes later, Draco comes in,  followed by the doc, I guess. He's goind to sit in the chair.

'Hello,  miss Malfoy.' He says friendly, 'How are you now?'

'It still hurts.'

'And how many months?'

'Two weeks...'

'That's not normal. Let me see, can you please uncover your belly.' I do what he says and he lays his hand on it. 'It's already very strong, but I think it's healthy.  I won't recommend going to school if it still hurts, I will say it to Dumbledore...' He says. He says goodbye and leaves.

'I want to go to school... I want to say goodbye to everybody...' I say

'But we can invite them here.' Narcissa.  Yeah, but not Adrian...

Another week I spend in my bed. What a waste of time,  being pregnant.  I thought that I could write my song, but I can't do anything. The pain is less worse than the first weeks, but still... I can't even go outside... This evening Voldemort wants to see me again. He wants to know if everything is going well with the baby. I sigh and go to the bathroom, maybe with a little bit of make-up, I don't look like a total mess. I make a ponytail and put on a large dress.

He's in the study room together with my father.  I don't know if I may sit down or not, so I just stand there.

'How long are you?' He asks.

'3 weeks, almost a month.'

'Does it hurt?'

'Yes...' I say.

'Good.' Good? He's sick, he's a sick monster...

'In three months I want to see you again.' Then he makes a sign with his hand that I must leave. I turn around and close the door behind me. Well, that was weird....

I stay close to the door to listen what he says...

Voldemort: 'The pain is a side effect of the potion that I gave you that night. But it makes the baby stronger than a normal baby. This will end after a while... and the second time you will give it, she will just feel very weak...'

Lucius: 'When do I need to give it again?'

Voldemort: 'Next week and then  every two weeks...'

I go away before they notice that I listen to their conversation and wonder what this potion does...

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