chapter 8: the letter

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chapter 8: the letter

The moon and stars are shining in the air, I look at them with dreamy eyes. I just escaped the music and the bustle of the party in the ballroom, Draco gives one for the end of the vacation, and I'm sitting now in my room on the old chair in front of the window.  Narcissa and Lucius are on a dinner with some friends, so they going to be late home. Pansy comes in with an abscent smile and she gasps a little bit.

'Are you alright, Pans?' I smile at here. Of course she's alright, Draco dansed all night with her.

She nods, 'What are you doing here? Don't you like the party?' 

'Of course, I like it. I'm just a little tired and wanted to rest for a while.'

'Okay, I just wanted to say that they gonna serve the pie and I don't think you want to miss that.' She says. 

'I'm coming right away.' She leaves the room. I stand up and think about two days ago, when Lucius came in to say that I'm good enough to be a student on Hogwarts. I was so happy that I gave him a hug before I even knew what I did. He pushed me softly away and gave me my Hogwarts letter. That afternoon, Marcus, Gregory, Vincent and Pansy came also and we drank a little bit in the rose garden. We talked and laughed until they had to go. But now, I question myself... I still think that I'm not good enough even tough I studied the whole summer vacation.  I fix my hair and go downstairs. 

The pie is already brought in and Draco stands on a little podium, but he don't yet started his speech. I go through the crowd and go stand next to Pansy and Daphne. And he startes.

'Well, I want to say thank you for coming, but why wouldn't you come, huh?' laughter coming from the crowd. He continues, ' A new year is going to start and this year my sister Bryanna will be with us.' He smiles at me. Some give me a pat on the shoulder and I smile. ' You're going to do great, sis. And now, let's eat. This year is going to be awesome!' With these words, he goes down the podium while everybody cheers. We're following him to a large pie and I take a little piece. Loud music starts to play and the ones who already finished there cake, are dancing again. I wipe the crumbs of my dress and stands against the wall. I'm not really a party-person. A slow song starts and I see that Draco and Pansy are slowing together. They are so cute together. 

'Uhum...' Someones coughs behind me. It's Adrian.

'Hey' I say.

'Hey,  can I have this dance, miss Malfoy?.' He offers his hand.

I smile, ' Of course, mister Pucey.' He leads me to the dancefloor. We start to dance, first with a distance between us, but after a while a lay me head on his shoulder. 

'Are you ready?' He whispers in my ear.

'For what?'


I smile, he's the first one that asks that. 'A little bit.'

'You're going to be fine.'  I look up at him, I wanted to ask why he thinks that, but then the songs end and a faster song starts. He swings me around and he lets me go, I end up in the arms of Draco. 

'Well, sis, do you wanna dance with me?' He asks and I look around to see where Adrian is and then I see him back at his table in a discussing with Marcus. 'Please...?' I look at Draco and smile. 'Of course'  and I take his hand.

The evening ends and everybody is heading back home. When everybody is gone, I go take a quick shower, say 'good night' to Draco and go to bed. But I just wouldn't fall asleep, because I think of Adrian... Is he flirting with me or am I imaginingt it? ... and there's also something  tapping on the window. I turn around, it's probably a branch of a tree, I ignore it. But it just doesn't stop and I step out of bed. I see an owl, sitting on the window-sill. I open it and the owl flies inside, lets a letter fall and flies away.  I take the letter and open it. 

Bryanna, you're going to Hogwarts now, there you will be safe from the Malfoys. You're certainly not goign to be sorted in Slyterin. We're sure that you have the brave and good heart of your mother. We're going to save you, don't worry. Best regards and take care, your family o'Hare

My what? So they do search for me... But why are the Malfoys so bad? They turn out better then I expected... I really don't get it. And how do they think to free me? Attacking the mansion? Good luck with that...  The letter burns out in my hands and the only thing that's left is a pile of ashes. I'm going back to bed, confused and worried. Yay, that's a good way to start a new school year...

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