chapter 28: the new Deatheater

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chapter 28: the new Deatheater

5 months now. My belly looks like large balloon and I feel very weak. I don't think it's normal, I can barely move, most days I spend in my bed or on the couch. I think it has something to do with the purple potion that I need to drink every month, but my father says it makes the baby stronger. No one from school comes to visit me, so I feel very lonely and depressed. But after 5 months I begin to feel a connection with my child and that's the only reason I keep going on. I hope that the war will be won by Potter, so my child can grow up on a safe world. Because,  even though I trust my father and I will follow him whatever happens, I don't think Voldemort is the right ruler, he's crazy, full of hate and anger.  Tonight, there's another meeting (I'm not invited, they don't want me to know about their plans, I just need to deliver this baby, that's the only thing they say to me...)  and Voldemort is also going to see if it's a boy or a girl later this night. I must stay in my room till they call me and I sit in my bed, reading a book for the third time. I think I feel him ( or her) move, so my hand goes over my belly. I sit there for three hours and then someone knocks on my door. It's Blinky, I need to come to the dining room. With a lot of effort, I go downstairs. Everyone is gone exept Lucius,  he and Voldemort are still discussing something. I clear my throat and they look at me.

'Bryanna,' Voldemort says,  'Come here.' I go stand in front of him. 'You look weak...' He says with a concerned voice. 'Maybe you need to eat more. Now let see if the baby is well.' He lays his cold hands on my belly and closes his eyes.  After a few minutes he opens his eyes and he looks angry at me. I swallow and hold my breath.

'It's a twin... How didn't I see this before...' He says and tries to smile at me. 'A boy and girl, both strong and healthy... Y-you can go...' I never heard him stutter before...

I slowly walk back to the door, because I'm tired from the walking down the stairs and from standing there. And when I'm almost at the door, I hear a loud noise and a man runs in. He says that there are two men attacking the mansion. I stand still and lean on a chair when Voldemort and Lucius are running outside.  I hear a fight begin and try to walk back to my room, but I'm too tired and my belly begins to hurt. Someone walks in, I look up and see that it's Adrian.

'What are you doing here, for fuck's sake??' I shout at him.

He smiles, 'Well, you are an angry pregnant woman.'

'Ha ha, sorry, but I'm exhausted and my belly hurts. And you are not safe here, go back to school...'

'But..., I'm coming to save you. Can you move?'

'No,  I can't...I want to, but I can't... I'm not my mom, okay?! Besides, they made me too weak...'

'But I came here with your two uncles, we can escape...'

'Adrian, I... Aaaaaaaaaah.' I fall on my knees, my belly suddenly hurts like hell. I can't take this anymore. 'Adrian, go away, just go... Everything is going to be fine, okay?'

But he doesn't answer, he looks at the door. Voldemort is standing there, together with my father, pointing their wands at him.

'Well, well... Are you Bryanna's boyfriend...' Voldemort says, ' It seems like your two companions are dead, so you are the only one left.' My uncles are dead?! my mouth opens from indignation.  Adrian is also speechless and lowers his wand.  'What did you thought, young man... That two men can stop me? What are you coming to do here?'

Adrian still doesn't answer. 'He came to see me, my Lord.' I say, to save Adrian. My uncles may be dead, but I can save him.

'Ow, to see you. How cute...' He says.

'Let him go,  please...' I say.

'Little girl,  I can't let him go now. He knows about me, he can blow up our whole plan. And you don't want that, do you? ' I shake my head. 'So the only solution is that he becomes one of us...'

'No...' Adrian say.

'Yes...' I say louder. He looks shocked at me.

'Come here Adrian...'

'... Pucey, sir.' Adrian says softly.

'Adrian Pucey,  my new Deatheater.  Bryanna, you wait in the living room, he will come to you when I'm ready with him.'

I leave Adrian alone, without looking at him. Why did he come to me? He knew it wasn't save... I sit down in a couch and listen carefully. First I hear moaning and then a scream, a loud, painful scream. I lay my hands on my ears to ignore it. I close my eyes too and in my head I count. After 1965 seconds, someone lays a hand on my shoulder and I'm so glad that it's Adrian. I stand up and hug him for a long time.

'Are you alright? ' I whisper in his ear.

'Well, that mark hurts a little bit.'

'You shouldn't come.... you dumbass.'

'Sorry, but I didn't got a letter, I was worried, okay...'

'I may not send any letter, Voldemort is afraid I may tell anyone something... That's also the reason I don't know all of his plans.'

'Bry...' There are tears in his eyes.

'What?' I ask him.

'Nothing.... I-I need to go now...' He turns around and goes away, without giving me a kiss or a hug...

'Adrian, wait...' he stops in the doorstep, but does not look at. 'Can we see each other again.'

'I think so, because I may not leave the mansion, I never gonna see my parents or Hogwarts or any other thing from my past again... But, Bry, it isn't your fault,  if you didn't said this, I would be dead. But this... this monster' , he whispers, 'He's full of rotten desire.... But now I can try to protect you from Him.  goodnight.' he goes away. On my way to my room, I think about him. He was acting weird... Like he was angry at me...  but maybe when the babies are born, we can run away together. No, I can leave my family... But, this is not a good place to raise a child. I close my eyes and try to think about something else. My melody comes in my head... My house is haunted by rotten desire... And on my skin left the scent of indignation... and so they say baby for everything a reason... And so they say, baby, for everything a reason...

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