chapter 9: arriving at Hogwarts

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chapter 9: arriving at Hogwarts

I sit with Daphne and Pansy in a cabin of the Hogwarts Express, Draco sits with his friends in another one. We tease Pansy a little with the fact that she has a crush on Draco and I also text Malcolm. I told him everything about magic and stuff... He didn't believe me so I sended him an owl with a package full of choclate frogs. He didn't had much of a choice after that. Now I talk with him about the Hogwarts Express and station 9 3/4. He thinks that all this is awesome and he wants to learn more about the Ministry of Magic and stuff. Malcolm and his interest in politics.... sigh, I wish he was here with me. ...

'Hey, Bry, it's asocial to ignore us, you know.' I look up from my cell phone.


'What's up with you and Adrian, we saw you dance the other night...' Says Daphne.

'Nothing, we're just friends.'

'Of course...'

'I'm serious, we're just friends. Nothing more.' They look at me with a suspect look. 

I wanted to defend myself when suddenly the train stopped. I look around and feel a cold breeze. 

'What the...' Says Pansy and she stands up and opens the cabin door. She sticks out her head and looks around. I look at Daphne and she shrugs her shoulders.Draco and his gang come to us. 

'What happens?' I ask him.

'I don't know, this never happend be-...' Draco stops and looks out the window with big eyes that are scared of something. We follow his glance and outside I see a scary looking entity floating near by the train. It turns around, looks at me and I feel all of a sudden sad, I don't think that I could ever be happy again. My eyes follow the ghost when it moves further and I feel something pulling on my arm, but I don't care. I don't care about anything anymore, except this sad feeling deep inside me. Then a slap awakes me from my trance and I look confused at my brother who's holding Gregory by his shirt collar.

'You hit her. You hit my sister!' Draco shouts.

'What must I do then. See. Now she's awake.' Draco turns around.

'Are you okay ?' he asks. 'You were gone for several minutes? '

'Yeah, I feel better now. But what the heck was that thing ?'

'A dementor' Daphne says whil she puts her arm around my shoulder. 'Oh, Bry, are you really alright?  You looked so weird. And now you're so pale.'

' yeah, I'm alright. Did.. did I fainted or something? ' I ask.  That wouldn't be the first time, I fainted quite easily. I'm kind of used to it.

'No you didn't... You just stood there and stared.'

I smile,  'Okay, that's kind of weird.'

The train begins to ride again and some younger second-year boys are running towar us. They stand still in front of us.

'Did  you know? Harry Potter, the Harry Potter,  fainted after the dementor went by. I guess he isn't as strong after all.' One of the boys says and then they both run away to another cabin.

We look at eachother for a moment and then the group starts to laugh.

' What's so funny? I also almost fainted. ..' I say.

' Yeah, but Potter supposed to be the "strongest" wizard blabla and then he fainted when he sees a single dementor...' Vincent says and they laugh even harder.

Well that's a fail... I guess.

Draco leaves the cabin with his friends and now we're alone again. I tell Malcolm about the dementor and what happend to Potter.

Are you okay? and why are they laughing, it could happen to anybody... xx

Typically Malcolm always concerned about other people. I respond to him:

yeah I'm okay, but this Potter-guy is kind of their 'enemy', he's from Gryffindor and they don't get along with eachother... it's like an unwritten law or something like that. xx


Gryffindor?  Wut??

Oh, yeah I didn't explain him that part...

Well in this school there are 4 groups: Slytherin, Gryffindor,  Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff.... in your first year, you get sorted in one of those houses... and some of the houses just don't get along... like I said it's a sort of unwritten law... I  probably belong in Slytherin.... xx

Why are you so sure?? x

This makes me think for a moment.. Why am I so sure? I guess because everybody told me so... But maybe I am more like my mother and then I belong in Gryffindor....

' Hey, girls? What happens when I get sorted into Gryffindor?' I ask them and they both look at me with a face full of disbelief.

' You can't be serious, Bry? You're a Malfoy.' Is Pansy's answer.

'Yeah, but my mom was in Gryffindor. ..'

'Well, then you wil be the first Gryffindor that we like.' Daphne smiles at me and I smile back. 'But you're probably going to be in Slytherin.'

Speaking about my mom... I remember the letter from yesterday. .. Maybe I should do some research about her 'Is there a library in this school? '

'Of course, there is one...' Pansy says and then the two girls get in a discussion about something that happend in their first year. I think about my plan to find something about this o'Hare family, maybe there is a book about all the different magic families...

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