chapter 7: the test

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chapter 7: the test

'What does the magical rune ehwaz mean?' Lucius asks with a stern glance. We're in the study room for about 1 hour, he shoots one question after another and I'm sitting there in the middle of the room on a chair. I begin to wonder how long this is going to take. 

'Def-...Partnership.' I answer unsure.... I always think that it's defence, but that's eihwaz, I think. He writes all my answers in a notebook with a goddman pokerface... I don't even know if I'm right or not.... It's kind of frustrating me now. Why he has no facial expression? I want to know if I say the exact things.

'Give me the 3 unforgivable curses.'

'Imperio, Crucio and Avada Kedavra.'

He writes it down.' Who played an important part in the formation of the international Confederation of Wizards?'

Shit.... Who was it?'It was something that sounded like bonaparte, from Napoleon Bonaparte.... Shit ... Bonacorde, that was it. 

'Bonacorde, Pierre Bonacorde.' I say.

'What's the omen of death?'

'The grimm.'

'What is a Kappa?' 

'A Japanese water demon.' 

'And how do you defeat it?'


'Well?' He asks. I think about it, I know this...

'Next question...' 'No, I know it. There... There are 2 ways, but the best is trick him into bowing...' I interupt him. He looks at me for a few seconds and then writes it down.

'What is Aconite?' Think, Bry, think.... That punk band, ...the wolfbanes... that was it..'Another name for wolfsbane or monkshood.'

'Okay, Bryanna, this was the last one. You can go now, I'm going to discuss your answers with Draco and we'll call you to tell you the results.' Lucius says and I take a deep breath. Finally, it's over, gosh...

I go outside and let Draco pass, he smiles at me and then goes inside. I go to the music room and wait while I play a little bit on a guitare. I start to get nervous and think about what I should do. I go sit at the piano. When I was little I used to play the piano, but when I was 12 years old, I decided to only play the guitare. I try a few keys to see if I still could do it and I suddenly begin to play one of my favourite compositions. Claire de lune from Debussy. When it's done I stay silent, because the silence after a piece of music is as magical as the music itself. A soft clapping comes from  behind me, I quickly turn around. There in a corner, sits Adrian Pucey. My cheeks are turning as red as a tomato. He's hot, I didn't realize that before... 

'Uhm... What are you doing here?' I ask.

'Draco invided us to come, so we could celebrate your good results. But I was early so I went to the library, but i got bored there and then I heard a beautiful sound, I followed it and saw you play here.' He says, 'You're really good.'


'you're welcome.' He stand up and sits down on the stool, next to me.

'Can you play?' I ask, biting my lip. 

'Yes, a little bit. But I never heard that song before.' He presses a few keys.

'It's not so famous.' He starts to play something, I recognize it, für Elise. For Elise. That girl must be so lucky, such a beautiful song written especially for her. I start to play with him and so we play for a few minutes. 

'Do you know other songs, I mean not-classical songs?' He asks.

'Uhm a few...' 

'Can you play one for me?' 

'Uhm...' I plonk a few keys.'.... It's called under the brigde from the red hot chili peppers.. Do you know that?'

He shakes his head, ' Not really, I don't listen to muggle music...' 

I laugh softly, of course he didn't know that song. I start to play  the beginning. When the lyrics come I stop a just a moment and then start to sing. I forget that he's there and I am completely focusing on the song. 

'You should sing in the school choire, there's no Slytherin in it. None of our group, though.' He says when the song ends. I laugh, ' No thank you, school choires are not for me.' 

'But you can earn points whit that... And we can irritate the Gryfindorks with that.' I wanted to say that I don't give a fuck about those points, but instead I stay silent... 

He looks at me with an curious look, and I look the other way...  And then the doors opens. Draco and Lucius enter the room

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