(final chapter) 30: 17th of August

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chapter 30: 17th of August

I'm running and running and running,  but my belly hurts. I look around, nobody is there, until I see his red eyes and I begin to run again.

But I fall and he stands above me.

'You are going to die.'

I wake up, terrified from the same dream I have every night. It started a few months ago, and it always ends with Voldemort who says that I'm gonna die. I think it's not just a dream, but also a vision. I'm not going to survive it. When he doubled my potion, I feel more tired than ever before. I eat a lot, but I get skinnier each day,  you can see my bones already and my face looks more like a skull. I close my eyes, my children won't know who I am... I think that that was Voldemorts plan all along. So he will be the only one that can control them. That can't happen, they need to know their mother. I walk slowly to my desk and take a paper and pencil. I start writing my letter and when I'm done, I put it in an envelope together with my song and song text, it's now finished, I hope they will hear it one day and remember me. I decided to give it to Draco (it's summer vacation, so he's home), I stand up and try to go to him but when I'm almost halfway the corridor, I feel something warm between my legs and an awfull pain in my belly.  I scream it out and immediately the lights are on. I see Draco and Narcissa running to me. Narcissa helps me get up and together we go back to my bed.

'They are coming.... I feel it....' I say to her.

'Shhhh... Bry, stay calm. I've done this before.' She pushes Draco out the room. The pains only get worse,  I scream. She takes of my panties. 

'Okay, I've done this before.' She says again.

I go lay on my back and open my legs, like they do in the movies. Another contraction, I take my belly with my both hands and scream it out again.

'Bry, breath.' I take a deep breath, 'I see the head. Push a little, sweetie.'

'He's too early.' I moan. 'I'm only 8 months.' I begin to cry.

'Calm, sweetie.' Narcissa says to calm me. I hear a cry, a cry from a little baby. She wraps him or her in a white blanket. Blinky appears next to her and takes the baby over. 

'She's loosing too much blood.' The little elves says hysterical. I hear shouts coming from the hallway.

'Push again.' I moan from the pain and after a few seconds I hear the second cry. She wraps it also in a blanket and Draco and Adrian come in.

'Can I see them?' I ask quietly.

'You need to rest.' Narcissa says and she comes to me, like Adrian, they both say calming words and rub my hair. Draco holds one of the babies, but looks shocked. I try to see why and see my blankets full of blood.

Narcissa also looks and her face turns pale. 'You still loose  blood, Bry...' Narcissa says and she looks shocked. I close my eyes when she runs out of the room to get her wand. 

'Stay with us.' I hear Adrian beg. It's probably the last thing I hear.

I want to do one thing, before I die. 'Adrian,  take care if them.' I take the envelope, 'And give this to them when they turn 13.' And I close my eyes.

When I wake up, I float above my body, Adrian is crying next to it, and Draco cries at the end of the bed with the two babies in his arms. Narcissa stays in the doorstep, shocked. Adrian shouts something at them. and then leaves the room, I follow him as a ghost. He goes to his room, wants to take a knife. I float to him, he may not commit suicide. He must give them the letter. And when I float right before him, he looks up. His eyes a few centimetres from mine.

'I'm gonna miss you,  Bry.' He whispers and, with tears in his eyes, he puts away the knife. I let go and float away from the mansion where I've been a prisoner for too long. Finally I'm free...

17th of August,  the day thaf Bryanna Charline Malfoy died, but also the day that Hebe Paige Malfoy and Adrian Terentius Malfoy are born.... And so is there for every ending a new beginning... And for everything is  a reason.

This is the last chapter, next is a epilogue and then this story is finished....

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