chapter 13: being the bully

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chapter 13: being the bully

The weeks go by and after that date with Adrian, we are kind of a couple now. I'm still unsure about it, I don't know, it's probably because I never been really "in love". But he's cute and sweet and he protects me. On a sunny autumn afternoon we're sitting on a bench just outside the school. Adrian is playing with my hair and I look at the woods and Hagrids house. Only three weeks and we have a week vacation. Then I'm going to tell Lucius about me and Adrian and he is going to tell it to his parents. He said that his parents don't have the same beliefs as Lucius ( I don't really know what these beliefs are, it has something to do with muggles), but they were friends when they were young, so I think (and hope) that they can get along with eachother. Draco said thay he shuts his mouth until then. Suddenly I hear a loud wistle. George is coming toward us.

'Bry, I searched you everywhere.  I need to speak to you.' he says, 'Alone...'

'Don't worry about it. Adrian knows. ' I say to him, knowing that it's about the o'Hare family.

'Okay then.' He goes to sit between me and Adrian. 'So next week, they come to my house. I thought that you can say that you go to a party or something and then come to us. You understand?'

I nod.

'But...' he turns around to Adrian and looks from me to him. 'Because you two are such a cute couple. Maybe you, Adrian, can go on a date with her that day and then come to us.'

'I'm okay with that.' Adrian says. I look unsure at him, now I have to tell Lucius early about us.

'We figure something out, Bry. Don't worry.' Adrian says.

Yay, I'm finally going to meet my family. Just another week to wait. I smile at George and give him a little hug.

'But I want to say something first.' Adrian says. George and I look confused at him. 'You're too sweet, Bry. Draco and the rest are suspecting something. You alsways do nice to Gryffindors. And to this guy.' he points at George.

'Hey, easy, Pucey. I'm not trying to steal uour girl. Even tough, I'm really sad that she isn't mine.' he says with a fake sad face. Adrian looks angry at him.

'I just don't bully. Thats not me...' I say.

'Yeah, I know. That's why I like you so much.' he smiles, 'But you better do something or they are going to asks questions. They already asked me or you and this Weasley are friends.'

'What do I have to do then?'

'Bully somebody...'


'I have an idea...' Weasly says.

The next day I'm leaving my classroom, like normally,  and look around. Weasley is on the other side of the hallway together with Potter and his crew. Adrian is taking my hand and we walking with our group to our next class. Hermione Granger, the dull-looking girl, turns around and walks also to us together with the rest. She wants to go around us, but I "accidently" bust into her and I let my books "accidently" fall. She turns around and looks afraid at me. Wow, you deserve an Oscar for best actress, Granger. I look angry at her and push her against the wall. 

'How dare you bump into me like that.' The boys behind are loudly shouting "oooohw". I smile. 'Can't you pay attention or is that too difficult for you.'

She moans a little when I push her harder against the wall.

'Leave her alone.' Little Weasley is going to stand  in front of her.

'See who's here, your little prince charming...' I say.

'Just leave her alone, Malfoy.'

'Good,  you remember my name. I guess you have some brains in that nutshell of yours.' The boys are laughing and some other Slytherins are gathering around us. I see Lévy soflty shaking her head.

Granger is slowing walking to the other side and now standing in my way. Like George said she's gonna be.

'Now, go out of my way, you mud-blood.' Thet last word really hurts and I almost didn't have the guts to say it. But George told me to do it. I take a step forward and she turns around and runs away together with the others from Gryffindor.

We walk to the other class and the news of my performance goes around fast. That evening, during dinner, it's the hot-topic on our table. I smile, Georges plan worked...

Adrian leans to me and whispers: ' Good job, baby.' and he gives me a kiss on my forehead.


This chapter is especially written for my teacher who died a few days ago.

You were the best teacher in the world.  Thank you for helping me and make me laugh every time. R.I.P...

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