chapter 22: a rain storm inside

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chapter 22: a rain storm inside

School starts after the holidays and the studying can start again. But I have something to look forward to, my lessons with Snape (not potions, I hate potions, you know to train my powers). So on a friday evening, mid February, after dinner, I go to the dungeons, to Snape's room. After knocking and a cold "Yes", I go inside and stand in front of his desk, he's sitting and looks at me. 

'Well, miss Malfoy, sit down' He begins, ' Let me start with explaining what you are exactly. I did research the past months, because we know almost nothing about Nymphs these days...'

I hold my breath, nod and sit.

'A Nymph was neither human nor animal, Miss Malfoy, it was a creature bound to nature, they lived in Acient Greece. The Nymphs had the power over two or three elements of nature, but the strongest ones have the power over all of them and more, like the power over day and night, the moon and the sun, winter, autumn, summer or spring... They were also very beautiful, you can compare it with the beauty of a Veela, and they had a strong connection with music.... Only the strongest ones could make another Nymph. It was  complicated and took a long time to create a new Nymph, you had to wait until a number of planets were on one line and it had to be a new moon at the same time, then each Nymph had to cooperate and give some of the powers to the new Nymph and so, after a few years, a new nymph was born out of the water, wind, earth or fire. Because some of them were really impatient, they began to entertain,' Snape's pauses,' to entertain themselves by seduce Muggles. So after a while, they were pregnant of the first Half-Nymphs. A lot of them despited the Half-Nymphs, also know as Daimons. So they left them with the Muggles. After years, the Nymphs were extinct, but there were still a few Half-Nymphs who lived among Muggles, they were not as strong as their ancestors, but their evelution is complicated. The children of Half-Nymphs are stronger then their parents, and the seventh generation is the strongest. Then, it stops for a few generations, to start again when... Wel in the book said "when nature thinks it's ready.". Do you understand it, miss Malfoy?'

'Yes, professor, but does that mean that.. that I am the seventh generation?' 

'I don't think so, you are strong, but a seventh generation would have also the powers of the strongest Nymphs.' Snape explains.

'But what makes Half-Nymphs than so different?'

'They have human feelings, they can feel love and hate. Nymphs couldn't do that.' He says. I nod. 'Some wizards who studied the Nymphs and Half-Nymphs even think that Half-Nymphs are stronger than their ancestors, because they have the ability to feel human emotions. But enough introductions, let me see what you can do, miss Malfoy.' He stands up.

'Uhm, I know I can control the wind and water..  earth not, I tried that already, but I didn't try fire, so maybe that too.'

'I didn't ask you to explain me your powers. Show me them.' He say with his cold voice.

'Uhm...' My god, this man makes me nervous. But I do what he says and close my eyes, to concentrate, think about the wind, moving to me. I hear the door opening with a loud bang and a strong wind lifts me up. Pieces of parchement are flying through the room and I hear a glas break. So I stop and the wind dies down. I tought Snape would be angry, but he still stands calmly behind his desk.

'Sorry, Proffesor. I didn't want to break anything.'

'You did what I asked you to do. Now, water. Think about water.'

'But, I think I can't create water.'

'Just do what I say. Stretch your arm and think about it. You can control it with your mind.'

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