chapter 21: my rocking yule ball

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chapter 21: my rocking yule ball

You know what's really difficult: if you say to everybody that you don't want to go, but actually deep inside your heart, you want to go soooo badly. Well that's what happens to me on the night of the yule ball. I always said that I don't want to go (even yesterday), because I'm not in the goddamn mood for a party (I'm a little, little, little bit over Adrian, but there are still my powers and my mark that's now visible all the time and that hurts sometimes, I'm really worried about that. I wrote my father about it, but he doesn't fucking answer, goddamit). So I'm not in the mood, untill the evening itself, when everybody is making themselves ready.  I escape from the common room to my dorm,  but there is Lévy who's doing her make up  (She wears a really beautiful black, long dress). I sigh and strum on my guitare, humming a song I wrote myself (I'm really proud of it and Lévy thinks it's the most beautiful song she ever heard in here entire life).

'Okay, Bry. You gonna put on your dress and come with me.' She demands when her make up is done.

'I'm not going.'

'Bry, I bet every boy wants to dance with you.'

'I have to study and I have no dress. '

'First of all,  you don't need to study. Second, you have a goddamn dress. Your father sent you one in October, I think. So there go all your excuses. now get dressed and come with me.' Yeah, that's true my father sent me a white, short dress with silver details on the bottom. I didn't know that she knows that.


'Montague is still alone...' She says and lift up her eyebrows with a smile.

'Shut up about Montague okay, I'm not interested and I'm not going.' Ow, fuck, I want to go sooo badly... But I can't because everybody is going to think that I'm faking all those months. I sigh.

'Okay, okay... you spoiler. I'm going alone then. But you can make Adrian jealous when you go, especially if you go with another boy.' And with these words she leaves the room. I sigh and play a little on my guitare. 

But after a while Lévy comes back... with a bunch of weirdos with black hair and weird clothes.

One of the weirdos steps forward: 'I'm Myron Wagtail, I've heard that you are a pretty good guitarist.'

'Pretty good, huh? Well that's a disappointment, I actually thought I was a professional rock guitarist.' I say sarcastic.

'Bry...' Lévy says really soft. And then I look at her and I just know from her face expresion that I said something wrong. But the weirdos laugh and the same guy says: 'Well we are the Weird Sisters,' See, I told you they were weird..., 'and we're playing tonight on the yule ball. This lovely girl asked us to come with her, so we could convince you...'

'I'm not going...' I say softly.

'We were going to ask you if you want to play with us... and maybe sing a song.' Myron says.

I'm speechless. A famous wizard rock band asks me to play with them. On the fucking yule ball... What the fuck??!!??

'uhm..' i say after a long time of awkwardness. ' Sorry i was so rude.'

'Apologies accepted.' Myron says with a smile.

'So are you going to play?' Lévy asks.

Well,  if I'm going to play a song nobody would think I faked the past months,  because nobody knew who would come. and it would be totally awesome to play with a band on a stage.

I nod, 'It would be an honor. But I warn you, I don't know any wizard rock songs...'

'Well, then you doing a solo...'

And so I went with the Weird Sisters backstage, ate something with them and made myself ready. I wear my white dress with a sturdy lether jacket and some high heels. They go to the stage and play their songs, while I stay backstage and watch them. I see Draco dancing with  Pansy. The Weasley twins are there too and, I think, Lévy dances with them. And... Holy shit.. Granger is with Viktor Krum... the world's gone crazy. And then the song stops.

Myron says: 'We got a little surprise for you tonight.' cheers. 'You know, on this school there's this really talented girl. and with talented I mean talented with music. She didn't want to come first,  but well, we convinced her... Come out, Bry.' Mumbles. I swallow maybe this isn't a good idea. I should have stayed in my bed with chocolate or something... 'Bry, don't be shy...' I take a step into the spotlight, nobody's saying a word. I go stand next to Myron and he hands me over the microphone.  So there I am in my white dress, alone, speechless and really embarrassed. I think I should say something.

'Well, I didn't really want to come  first,' I say, 'But they,' I point at the Weird Sisters,  'They asked me to play a song,  so here I am.'

I look down at my guitare and when my hands touch the strings, it goes flawless. I play a funky rock song and the Weird Sisters play along with me and the song sounds really cool. I start to sing and everybody's dancing and having a great time. After my song, I clap for the band members, Myron helps me down of the podium and I go in the crowd, searching for Lévy.  But I bump into Adrian instead.

He looks me in the eyes. But for this time not with hate. 'You play really good the guitare,  but I wish you played the piano instead.  you are magical when you play the piano.' I blush. 'Goodnight,  Bry.' and he leaves.  Draco comes to felicitate me with my performance ( he didn't knew I could play the guitar, so he was very surprised), Pansy and Daphne are acting like two crazy fangirls and then I finally find Lévy. She talking to a  boy I never saw before.


She lifts her glass when she sees me. 'You were great.' and I make a little bow. I think I didn't get much sleep that night....


sorry for the short chapter, but I wrote this on my phone, it was 2 am and I didn't had much inspiration... sorry, but I promise that the next one is going to be longer
xoxo me ^-^

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