chapter 1: an unwanted guest

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chapter 1: an unwanted guest

I walk down the path that leads to the school of my little brother. Since my mom has to work longer, she couldn't pick him up, so I have to walk 1 km to his primary school. But I don't mind, there are worst things in life and when it's a sunny day like today, it's nice to walk outside. i look at the trees and think of all the homework I have to do for monday. It was almost exams, but the teachers still gave a lot of homework and tests. what are they thinking? That we can prepare the exams and make a goddamn essay about World War I?? I'm still thinking about how I will erange everything, when I look up and see in the distance the school of my brother. I walk a little bit faster and see my little brother at the fence, his face lights up when he sees me. I wave to him. suddenly he turns around and runs out the school, straight to me. when he's close to me, he jumps and I catch him.

'How was your day, lil' bro?' i ask him.

'Great, we learned about the four seasons. But i missed you, Bry!' He aswers me.

'Ooww, I missed you to, Jay.'

I put him on the ground and we walk home together. Suddenly he stops in front of an icecream salon. he looks with a begging look. I take his hand and pull him further.

'Bry, please?'

'No, Jayden, you know mom wants us to go straight home.' I answer him, trying to make him start walking again.

' Yeah, but mom is not here now and if you say nothing and i say nothing, she will never know about it.' he tried, 'And besides, it's friday, you don't have to make homework, because you're smart and you can you can learn it all in one weekend. Please, Bry?'

How can a boy of ten years old be so convincing. He was right, mom would never know. And I actualy also want an icecream.

'Jayden Jett Welsh, you are to smart for a ten year old boy. You convinced me, you little monkey.'

He gives me a big hug, 'Thank you, Bryanna Charline Welsh, you're the best sister in the whole world'

'Yeah, I know, I know,' i laugh, 'But we may not dawdle, because if mom comes home and she sees that we're not there, she's gonna freak out. And then we can pack our things again and move to another house, in another country, somewhere far away from here.'

we're going into the salon. I order one big cup ice cream for us and we start to eat it outside on a little bench. The sun burns and I regret that I put on a jeans. we talk about our day, when suddenly Malcolm and Felicia, my friends from my dance crew, walked by.

'Hey, Bry, what's up? Are you coming tonight? We're having a party at the studio.' Felicia shouts.

'Hey, lil man!' Malcolm said to Jay while he's holding his fist in front of him. Jay gives him a brofist and they both make an explosion sound.

I laugh, ' A party? I have to ask my mom for permission, but I don't think she's gonna say no.'

'Okay, I hope you're coming, it's gonna be big, we're doing some battles to show new moves and shit like that.' Malcolm says.

'Well, I'm gonna see what my mother says.'

'Maybe, I'll see you tonight, Bry.' said Felicia while I give her and Malcolm a brofist.

Malcolm goes with his fingers trough Jays hair (Jay giggles) and then they left.

We sit on the bench for a little longer, watching the people go home after a long day of work. Mom will also be tired after the day. Shit, mom! I take my cell phone and look at the hour on the display. she's gonna be home in ten minutes.

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