chapter 10: getting settled in...

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chapter 10: getting settled in...

After that train trip, we're arriving at Howarts and entering the great hall with 4 giant tables and a ceiling that's so magical that I just keep staring at it. You can see the sky at it. They tell me that I must stand on the side and wait until all he first years are sorted. Everytime that they're going to the table of their house, there are cheerings coming from the other students and the only thing that's going through my mind is that if I'm not in Slytherin, but in another house... Will they also cheer for me... Even if I'm a Malfoy? It seems like everybody (except Draco's friends) hate me, just because I'm a Malfoy.That just doesn't mak any sens, they don't know me...But you're not going to be in another house, Bry. I give myself a pep-talk. Of course I'm going to be in Slytherin and when I think about it for a moment, I am cunning and loyal and ambitious... All Slytherin characteristics. 

'Malfoy, Bryanna.' The old woman, that reads the names, says.

I take a deep breath and walk toward the woman and the old-looking hat that told you in wich house you are... Like it couldn't be any weirder. I sit down and look with a poker-face at the other students. Some of them look shocked. Well, now it's official. Draco Malfoy has a sister. A little bit further on the gryffindor table I see the ginger boy and the dull-looking girl, with them there's also another boy with black hair and a pair of glasses, Harry Potter I guess. The woman says that I'm in my fourth year now and then she puts the hat on my head.

'Hm, hm, another Malfoy, unlike the other one, I don't immediately think that she belongs in Slytherin. She sure has the capacity of a Slytherin, but also a Gryffindor... Brave, courage, ... ' The hat goes on about if I'm now a Slytherin or Gryffindor and I'm getting bored. I sigh  If this is gonna take any longer, I'm gonna take this little piece of shit of my head and going to sit on the goddamn Slytherin table... The hat begins to laugh softly, 'SLYTHERIN'

I smile, put of the hat and walk, with my head up, toward the Slytherin table. Cheerings are coming from it and I'm going to sit next to Terence who's already introducing me to my other classmates. I smile and shake hands and I'm trying to remember all the names. Then the dinner appears and we're starting to eat, while I feel that somebody slides something in the pocket of my sweatshirt. I turn subtle around and see the back of the head of George Weasley, who's talking to his friends now. 


After dinner, Severus Snape, teacher of potions and the head of Slytherin,  shows me the way to my new room. He closes the door behind me and I look at a girl that's sitting on her bed, reading a book. She has pitch black hair and dark eyeliner on. I walk to my bed on the other side of the room.

'Hi' I say to her. She stays silent, so I begin to feel awkward and want to do something but all my clothes and stuff are already in the closets and drawers and my books are laying on my table. So I'm going to sit on my  bed.

'I'm Bry.' I introduce myself.

' I know who you are.' she says without even looking at me.

I sigh. Yay, she is talkative, we're going to have so much fun... 

after a long silence she finally says her name: ' I am Lévy...  '

' Nice to meet you' I mumble.

'Yeah, also nice to meet another bratty Malfoy... Like one wasn't enough already.'  she says followed by a long sigh.

I look sore at her: 'I'm not like my brother and I'm not a spoild kid either. Why is it so bad to be a Malfoy? Are we evil or something, I don't know it anymore.'

'Calm down, drama queen. it's because your brother is a popular Slytherin guy and he bullies a lot of Gryfindorks...  And some people whe are not rich or have the same beliefs like his family.'

'Yeah, but they also say things to him and his friends that aren't true. ... And he isn't always like that.' I say irritated.

' Look, princess,  I don't want a discussion with you. You are a Malfoy, deal with it. And can you shut the fuck up.  I'm trying to read here.'

'Ow, sorry that I just wanted to know my roommate...  '

'It's not that because we're roommates thar we're going to be best friends.' She answers.  I'm getting irritated by this girl and stands up and open the door.

'Where do you think you're going? '

' None of your business. ' and I slam the door behind me and walk away, pissed off about what happend.   When I enter the commom room, I see the two boys from the train and walk to them.

'Excuse me, but could one of you tell me where the library is.' I ask them, I think that I will be calm after a long research about the o'Hare family. They lead me to it and also show me the 'important wizard family section.  I go with my finger against the books. First I'm going through books about pure blood families,  but I don't find them in that. After a long search I found a book about new important families and there I found them the o'Hare family.  I take the book with me, because it's already late. On my way to the dungeons I remember something. The note... I stand still and let my hand slide in my pocket and feel a little paper. I take it out and read:

I told you you we're the new Slytherin girl, princess.

I shake my head. This boy is unbelievable. I put the note back in my pocket and walk to my room, where Lévy  is already sleeping.

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